Sports...I don't get it...


what the fuck you lookin at?
what is the draw to sports? I mean really? What makes one love a team to the point that they are passionate about there team winning or losing? Does it really fuckin matter? I mean seriously. Your gonna go to work and carry on about your lives regardless of what team wins or loses whatever game. Baseball, football, soccer, hockey, whatever your sport of choice is.

I've never been able to get into sports and I just can't see what the big deal is.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I love sports, but I am not like that
When you choose to support a team it's like you be having some kind extras in your life since you prolly get to know new people or make new friends (fellow fans of your favourite team) , you'll automatically have at least something to do during the weekends and doesn't it feel just great to be wearing a jersey of cap of your favourite sports team !
I personally played a shitload of sports growing up and it defined much of my character. I chose teams and players to follow and I suppose now that I'm older it is something which partially defines myself. It's not much different than those who are casual / obsessive fans of say musicians.

Sometimes, usually when my teams are down, I tend to wonder why I bother though.
It's a different kind of religion. You regularly go to mass at the stadium. You worship your idols. You chant hymns.You don't accept other creeds. Some even go on a crusade for their demigods (hooligans).

Just like your ordinary religions it doesn't make any sense at all. But it's fun, though.
If you have to ask, you'll never get it.
Did you play any sports? Competition in sports build character. Appreciation of sports makes life worth living. :dunno:

Maybe pick an underdog team and start following them. See if you can build a relationship with a gutty team that gives its all but comes up short. It's easy to follow a frontrunner...
what is the draw to sports? I mean really? What makes one love a team to the point that they are passionate about there team winning or losing? Does it really fuckin matter? I mean seriously. Your gonna go to work and carry on about your lives regardless of what team wins or loses whatever game. Baseball, football, soccer, hockey, whatever your sport of choice is.

I've never been able to get into sports and I just can't see what the big deal is.

Although I'm sure you don't care this deeply, I do remember taking a sports sociology class in college and talking about this exact thing. Basically, from a sociologist point of view, people like sports because they provide the illusion of an identity. Sort of the reason why people refer, (I'm guilty too) to their favorite teams in the possessive (we didn't play well etc...). Overall it's really just a case of people searching for something to identify with that's bigger than themselves.


Member, you member...
Sports are entertainment, just like movies.
Some people are very passionate about their teams.
I personally won't wear a jersey with some guy's name on it who doesn't know me, but I enjoy football for the entertainment value it provides.
:cool: if you not into sports then it can't be explained to you... some people only like certain sports... but you shouldn't let it bother you... every group has people that do and do not understand it... it is human nature...:2 cents:
It's a different kind of religion. You regularly go to mass at the stadium. You worship your idols. You chant hymns.You don't accept other creeds. Some even go on a crusade for their demigods (hooligans).

Just like your ordinary religions it doesn't make any sense at all. But it's fun, though.

Good point GC! It goes back to the individual's need to belong to something. Whether it be a religion, culture, ethnic group, political affiliation, etc. Most people are so afraid of not being liked or being alone, so they cling to anything that allows them to feel that they are part something. Being a random convergence of energy and matter is just not enough for them...I guess?
Secondly, the individual may have played that sport and the nostalgia (another problem) may draw them to it. :yinyang:
what is the draw to sports? I mean really? What makes one love a team to the point that they are passionate about there team winning or losing? Does it really fuckin matter? I mean seriously. Your gonna go to work and carry on about your lives regardless of what team wins or loses whatever game. Baseball, football, soccer, hockey, whatever your sport of choice is.

I've never been able to get into sports and I just can't see what the big deal is.

If you have to ask then you are not capable of understanding it.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Everybody needs something to cheer for.
Besides sports as an identity I once heard somebody explain this question in a way that made a lot of sense. He said that real life doesn’t have the drama, suspense, and action things like movies, television shows, or other forms of entertainment do. The only two common real life things were we really experience a lot of that are sports and war. Considering war isn't a pleasant thing that only leaves sports as a way to fulfill the longing for them that isn't easy to get any other way.


what is the draw to sports? I mean really? What makes one love a team to the point that they are passionate about there team winning or losing? Does it really fuckin matter? I mean seriously. Your gonna go to work and carry on about your lives regardless of what team wins or loses whatever game. Baseball, football, soccer, hockey, whatever your sport of choice is.

I've never been able to get into sports and I just can't see what the big deal is.

Yeah, I agree with your assessment, however, special moments like this only come once in a lifetime, I repeat, once in a lifetime ! :bowdown:
I'll always remember the excitement that this game generated throughout the household, even as an otherwise unattentive very young laddie who didn't really care about the game of hockey. I'd never live to see my dad and my brothers as excited again !


Its the great common denominator I wish I was into it....There are two types of sports fans....Hardcore fans who just support one team and then people who just love the sport. I aint saying it isnt good its just that it is the great denominator it gels people together. Even in regards to hooliganism its the same thing you want to feel you belong only its low brow of course. But in the end thats what it is finding a place to belong "your crew" and knocking fook out of other crews...Ahh male bonding lol.

It effects all classes and is even maybe important to your career. Like golf alot of business is done on the golf course.


persona non grata
Competition in sports build character.
Not if you´re a russian skier, then you´re thaught that cheating is the only way to get success.
It's pretty obvious when you consider the fact that sports teams are almost always representing and associated to places like cities, states or countries or things like schools. Wouldn't that be at least part of the reason the overwhelming majority of New Orleans Saints fans (for example) are likely in New Orleans and Louisiana?

Someone mentioned the concept of "we" in reference to a fan's illusion of identity with a team. Frankly, in most cases it's a bit more than an illusion of identity as fan support directly translates into the ability of the sports organization to exist. In some cases vocal support can have an affect on outcomes in games or matches. Fans in those senses and in practical terms become unofficial members of the organization.

Fanaticism is a natural and logical transfer of an individual's passion for winning, against losing, etc. to the circumstances of the team(s) they support.

As human psychology goes, being a fan of some sports team is a far more natural phenomena and not being a fan of some sport or team is the oddity.