He likes Mocha. ;)
Will E Worm Conspiracy... Oct 20, 2009 #1 He likes Mocha. Attachments tumblr_kpp6evFC2R1qz4t3mo1_400.jpg 144 KB · Views: 124
~~whimsy~~ Oct 20, 2009 #2 Bah! It is clearly evident he is flipping it off with his two middle fingers of his whole hand!
tartanterrier Is somewhere outhere. Oct 20, 2009 #3 That's what happens to you when you drink too much frappacino
C Cutie Oct 21, 2009 #4 tartanterrier said: That's what happens to you when you drink too much frappacino Click to expand... His is the alcoholic version. lol Or maybe Frappachino makes him say *nanu nanu nanu* and *Live Long and oh fuck it, get drunk* LOL!!
tartanterrier said: That's what happens to you when you drink too much frappacino Click to expand... His is the alcoholic version. lol Or maybe Frappachino makes him say *nanu nanu nanu* and *Live Long and oh fuck it, get drunk* LOL!!