There seem to be a great number of people on this board that have views of Americans, our livestyle, our standard of living, etc... based on our media. I wouldn't be the only American that will quickly point out that most Americans aren't as spoiled as they are in American TV shows -- especially the "middle class."
So, what I'd like to start is a thread of both Americans and non-Americans.
Americans should answer the following questions for themselves (as they apply or you want to answer).
Non-Americans should answer what they think are the answers for common "middle class" Americans.
If you are an US immigrant or otherwise did not grow up in the US -- you're going to have a broader view than both native-born US citizens as well as non-US residents, so it's probably best to not answer this questionaire (as it will skew the results).
Americans, only answer if you are NOT going to school as your primary lifestyle.
=== Start Questionaire ===
I am an: US Born Citizen, Non-US Resident
I started working at age:
Started working full-time at age:
Went to college X years:
Last graduated from: HS/GED, BA/BS or post-grad
While in college, I worked: none, part-time (16-32) hours/week), full-time (32-48+ hours/week)
Work X hours/week (on average):
Inherited wealth of: <$10K, $10-100K, $100K-1M, $1+M
Earn (on average): <$25K, $25-50K, $50-75K, $75-100K, $100K+/year
Receive X in local+state+federal assistance a year (nearest $1K):
Think I receive: Too much, too little, just right in subsidies
Pay X on state+federal income taxes a year (nearest $1K):
Think I pay: Too much, too little, just right in income taxes
Pay X on local+state property taxes a year (nearest $1K):
Spend X on auto+health+home insurance a year (nearest $1K):
First car at age:
First car cost:
First car paid for by:
Current car at age:
Current car cost:
Current car paid for by:
Current car get X miles per gallon:
Drive X miles to work (each way):
Drive X minutes to work (each way):
First married my: (e.g., HS sweetheart, college, co-worker, other, etc...)
First married at age:
First wedding cost:
Cheated on first spouse (if and how far did you go?):
First divorce was me, her/him, mutual?
First divorce at age:
First divorce cost:
Registered: Not, NPA, Republican, Democrat, Other (please name)
Vote: Not, Party Lines, Omit Many Items, Other (please explain)
Voted President in 2004:
I've got other questions, but it's a good start.
So, what I'd like to start is a thread of both Americans and non-Americans.
Americans should answer the following questions for themselves (as they apply or you want to answer).
Non-Americans should answer what they think are the answers for common "middle class" Americans.
If you are an US immigrant or otherwise did not grow up in the US -- you're going to have a broader view than both native-born US citizens as well as non-US residents, so it's probably best to not answer this questionaire (as it will skew the results).
Americans, only answer if you are NOT going to school as your primary lifestyle.
=== Start Questionaire ===
I am an: US Born Citizen, Non-US Resident
I started working at age:
Started working full-time at age:
Went to college X years:
Last graduated from: HS/GED, BA/BS or post-grad
While in college, I worked: none, part-time (16-32) hours/week), full-time (32-48+ hours/week)
Work X hours/week (on average):
Inherited wealth of: <$10K, $10-100K, $100K-1M, $1+M
Earn (on average): <$25K, $25-50K, $50-75K, $75-100K, $100K+/year
Receive X in local+state+federal assistance a year (nearest $1K):
Think I receive: Too much, too little, just right in subsidies
Pay X on state+federal income taxes a year (nearest $1K):
Think I pay: Too much, too little, just right in income taxes
Pay X on local+state property taxes a year (nearest $1K):
Spend X on auto+health+home insurance a year (nearest $1K):
First car at age:
First car cost:
First car paid for by:
Current car at age:
Current car cost:
Current car paid for by:
Current car get X miles per gallon:
Drive X miles to work (each way):
Drive X minutes to work (each way):
First married my: (e.g., HS sweetheart, college, co-worker, other, etc...)
First married at age:
First wedding cost:
Cheated on first spouse (if and how far did you go?):
First divorce was me, her/him, mutual?
First divorce at age:
First divorce cost:
Registered: Not, NPA, Republican, Democrat, Other (please name)
Vote: Not, Party Lines, Omit Many Items, Other (please explain)
Voted President in 2004:
I've got other questions, but it's a good start.
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