Spoiled Americans: Reality and Myth ...

There seem to be a great number of people on this board that have views of Americans, our livestyle, our standard of living, etc... based on our media. I wouldn't be the only American that will quickly point out that most Americans aren't as spoiled as they are in American TV shows -- especially the "middle class."

So, what I'd like to start is a thread of both Americans and non-Americans.
Americans should answer the following questions for themselves (as they apply or you want to answer).
Non-Americans should answer what they think are the answers for common "middle class" Americans.
If you are an US immigrant or otherwise did not grow up in the US -- you're going to have a broader view than both native-born US citizens as well as non-US residents, so it's probably best to not answer this questionaire (as it will skew the results).

Americans, only answer if you are NOT going to school as your primary lifestyle.

=== Start Questionaire ===

I am an: US Born Citizen, Non-US Resident
I started working at age:
Started working full-time at age:

Went to college X years:
Last graduated from: HS/GED, BA/BS or post-grad
While in college, I worked: none, part-time (16-32) hours/week), full-time (32-48+ hours/week)

Work X hours/week (on average):
Inherited wealth of: <$10K, $10-100K, $100K-1M, $1+M
Earn (on average): <$25K, $25-50K, $50-75K, $75-100K, $100K+/year
Receive X in local+state+federal assistance a year (nearest $1K):
Think I receive: Too much, too little, just right in subsidies
Pay X on state+federal income taxes a year (nearest $1K):
Think I pay: Too much, too little, just right in income taxes
Pay X on local+state property taxes a year (nearest $1K):
Spend X on auto+health+home insurance a year (nearest $1K):

First car at age:
First car cost:
First car paid for by:
Current car at age:
Current car cost:
Current car paid for by:
Current car get X miles per gallon:
Drive X miles to work (each way):
Drive X minutes to work (each way):

First married my: (e.g., HS sweetheart, college, co-worker, other, etc...)
First married at age:
First wedding cost:
Cheated on first spouse (if and how far did you go?):
First divorce was me, her/him, mutual?
First divorce at age:
First divorce cost:

Registered: Not, NPA, Republican, Democrat, Other (please name)
Vote: Not, Party Lines, Omit Many Items, Other (please explain)
Voted President in 2004:

I've got other questions, but it's a good start.
Last edited:
So I wrote down all of my answers on paper. Are you saying that you want me to post them for the board?

I like where you are going with this cause as a middle class male from the midwest...I don't like the label I think the press is making for me as an american.

cheers! Good question and topic!


Torn & Frayed.
I am a US Born Citizen
I started working at age: 16
Started working full-time at age:16

Went to college X years: none
Last graduated from: HS/GED
While in college, I worked:n/a
Work X hours/week (on average):40-48
Inherited wealth of:none
Earn (on average): <$25K/year

Pay X on state+federal income taxes a year (nearest $1K):
Think I pay: Too much,
Pay X on local+state property taxes a year (nearest $1K):
Spend X on auto+health+home insurance a year (nearest $1200K):

First car at age:16
First car cost: $2,200
First car paid for by:myself
Current car at age: 35
Current car cost: $2,200
Current car paid for by: Wifey and I
Current car get X miles per gallon: 25-30
Drive X miles to work (each way):15
Drive X minutes to work (each way):25

First married my:The woman who is now my beautiful wife
First married at age: 32
First wedding cost: $600.00
Cheated on first spouse: n/a

Registered: NPA Democrat
Vote: outside party lines,who I think is the best candidate
Voted President in 2004: John Kerry
miles123 said:
So I wrote down all of my answers on paper. Are you saying that you want me to post them for the board?
It's up to you, you can just post what you want.
miles123 said:
I like where you are going with this cause as a middle class male from the midwest...I don't like the label I think the press is making for me as an american.
Exactly! I'm tired of the image non-Americans have of Americans. I don't blame them, based on our American TV -- but 75% of Americans turn off the TV these days.

Which means the TV has only gotten worse -- because the advertisers are catering to that 25% that are addicted (and typically don't work).


Closed Account
I am a: US born citizen
I started working at age: 9
Started working full-time at age: 13

Went to college X years: 2 years through Transcripts in The Army
Last graduated from: University of Illinois - Bachelors in English Studies
While in college, I worked: Yes, Army.
Work X hours/week (on average): Hahahaha, 169 hours a week
Inherited wealth of: I inherited debt
Earn (on average): $85,000 a year +

Pay X on state+federal income taxes a year: (nearest $4,500):
Think I pay: Enough, I know what America needs to run
Pay X on local+state property taxes a year: (nearest $2,750K):
Spend X on auto+health+home insurance a year: (nearest $8,250K):

First car at age:13
First car cost: Free! But I had to build it from parts in a junkyard
First car paid for by: Myself
Current car at age: 24
Current car cost: New? $32,000
Current car paid for by: My Wife and I
Current car get X miles per gallon: 10-28 (depends on how heavy your right foot is)
Drive X miles to work: (each way) 10
Drive X minutes to work: (each way)20

First married my: Nurse
First married at age: 23
First wedding cost: The cost of the Wedding License, then the $25,000 Family extravaganza (my Army money)
Cheated on first spouse: There is not a woman on Earth who could tempt me from my wife, seriously

Registered: NHRA, SCCA, and ASE Master Auto/Diesel Technician
Vote: Not really, no one is good enough (virgin 'till 23)
Voted President in 2004: I was stoned and wrote in Joe Mamma ( I'm sorry but I did)
Born in USA
1st job at age 14 throwing hay bales on the back of a trailer
1st full-time job at age 26 (combined part-time jobs up to that point)

I've spent a total of about 10 yrs and have a BS and 2 MAs. Jobs ranged from "none" to "full-time" while in school.

Work 38 hours/week (on average):
Inherited wealth of: 0
Earn (on average): $25-50K
Receive 0 in local+state+federal assistance a year (nearest $1K):
Pay $14,000 on state+federal income taxes a year (nearest $1K):
Think I pay: Too much

First car at age: 15
First car cost: $8,000 (NEW! Am I old or what?)
First car paid for by: Parents (Grandma owned 1/3 of the car lot)
Current car at age: 30
Current car cost: $24,000
Current car paid for by: Me (Granny sold her ownership years before)
Current car get 20 miles per gallon:
Drive 1 miles to work (each way):
Drive 5 minutes to work (each way):

Never married.

Registered: NPA
Vote: conservative so that usually means republican
Voted President in 2004: Bush
As a non-american, I find it rather difficult to answer these questions as for how I think it is for middle-class Americans. I really have no idea about most of them :confused:

But let's see if other non-americans can give some answers
My image of americans is not based on tv shows but rather on the places i've been and the people i've met in america and abroad and also on the news
OK, let me put it this way, compared to the rest of the world in terms of luxuries, the average American is spoiled. the top 3% of the wealthy live as disgustingly and exploitative as the ones in every other country. So that's either a sign of our opulence, or not, depending on your POV. some people have it really bad, and they have to worry about survival on a day to day basis, but I think the real possibility of starvation is not one that faces any number of Americans that can be accurately given a statistical number.

In terms of work, it's relative. I do think among industrialized nations that the average American works longer and harder. But I might add, for the most part it's not a sign of our work ethic, as it is of our greed ethic, and we work hard to make that 3% and buy all those useless appliances.
In case you were wondering, I've worked off and on since I was a kid. I don't think the total ammount of money that i've had in my lifetime is more than 20,000 dollars, and that's a high estimate. probably more like 10,000. the largest sum of money that i've ever had in a single holding was 2,000 dollars. I guess that would make me poor. I am pretty good when it comes to being thrifty and spendsmart, so the ammount of money i've made has always been enough to provide for me fairly comfortably. I've lived with people that owned thier own homes, or leased and I've given them money for bills, but I've enver payed rent and I don't plan on it. I suppose to some that might make me spoiled, and it has made my life a lot easier, but that is a choice, and if I didn't have that option, I still wouldn't do it.
Aegis said:
As a non-american, I find it rather difficult to answer these questions as for how I think it is for middle-class Americans. I really have no idea about most of them :confused:

But let's see if other non-americans can give some answers

Its a GOOD & Serious thread.

I've seen and met a few Americans who are called middle-class. I've met Europians, Asians as well. And the variation in life-style is so huge that I find answering this thread objectively difficult, as a non-American.

Its the perception of the person concerned what HE thinks is MIDDLE-CLASS in his own country. And that's tall task.

I think Prof, this should be restricted to the Americans only and I would love to know about your conclusion.
I am an: US Born Citizen
I started working at age: officially age 19, unofficially sometime before age 11
Started working full-time at age: same as above

Went to college X years: 1
Last graduated from: High school
While in college, I worked: none, but that was because I didn't have any transportation and all the college jobs were given to people with more time in at the college first so I ended up with like 30 minutes a week which ended up being a burden to get to compared to the nonexistent wage I would have gotten from it.

Work X hours/week (on average): When I worked it was around 45-60
Inherited wealth of: nothing, and the way my fathers health is going all his savings will be wiped away by the time he passes so maybe one acre of land and a house that is heading towards being condemned if the right people knew how bad it will be 10 years from now.
Earn (on average): since 2000 I have averaged a little more than $3,000/year before taxes were taken out
Receive X in local+state+federal assistance a year (nearest $1K):None
Think I receive: none as above
Pay X on state+federal income taxes a year (nearest $1K): Hard to tell without digging through a bunch of stowed away papers but it is the normal amount for somebody that has made what I earned.
Think I pay: Just right to too much, it isn't the tax that bothers me as much as the fact their isn't decent jobs available to earn enough money.
Pay X on local+state property taxes a year (nearest $1K): same as above
Spend X on auto+health+home insurance a year (nearest $1K):I have had no health insurance for most of the past 9 years, my dad dropped the house insurance a couple of years ago because it was too expensive and my auto insurance that isn't full coverage is about $1,000/year.

First car at age:16
First car cost: $600
First car paid for by: Me, technically my dad wrote the check but it was funded by my money.
Current car at age:26
Current car cost:1,500 which was a huge expense for me and the previous car was shot and I had no other choice.
Current car paid for by: Me
Current car get X miles per gallon: 22
Drive X miles to work (each way): When I worked it averaged around 45 miles one-way an hour and half both.
Drive X minutes to work (each way): 45-50 minutes one way a little over a hour and a half both.

First married my: never been married

Registered: no party affiliation
Vote: whomever I feel deserves it
Voted President in 2004: no qualified candidates
Man, I'd answer all those questions as a US citizen, but many still don't apply to me as I'm too young and haven't finished school yet.


Staff member
I have a part of my family and friends living in USA and some American friends living in France. I don't base my opinion on what the european medias can say about USA especially with its generalizations and negative cliches (the european medias are often biased especially here in Europe and often anti american), I have my opinion about American people that is based on various experiences like discussions about onvarious subjects, working with them, living with them, sharing hobbies and other factors that have probably influenced my opinion. I don't care of the materialistic aspect of things but the human point of view and the personality of the people I encountered that is what is the most important for me and helped me to have an opinion on people.
lol no i reckon it is reality :p


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
So I s'ppose I'm ineligible to fill out the survey, being a college student myself who works summers at summer camps, but...

I've done some America bashing here and there on this board (some of it mistakenly political, though it's really the social parts I don't like), and I've done it as an American - an American who doesn't even have an antenna hooked up to my TV, let alone watch the news (I get mine from newspapers and Google and from...simply paying attention to the world around). Perhaps I'm a little skewed, being raised by a British mother and a 60's hippy Libertarian father (much more the mother, though)?

That said, I've found that there are a lot of spoiled tendancies, regardless of whether or not the people are spoiled. It's obvious in the culture, whether from the constant car ads (why should everyone have a car? Or three?), or the before-mentioned lawsuits against McDonald's for 'making us fat', or the simple fact doctors need malpractice insurance these days. Many people feel like they're entitled to more than anyone from any other country are.

I really get to see this fact at camp, in those young, impressionable children. I can already see this culture affecting them in what they'll eat, what they do. How much they complain when they can't do such and such.

Sure, they're children, you might say. Children all complain. But I didn't complain when I was a child. My mother raised me eating brussel sprouts and I ate 'em and damned well liked them.

So, of course not all Americans are like that. But it is in our culture, so it's only natural for people to think it's bigger than it is. And maybe that's just as bad (that it's in our culture, that is).
Rubber Soul said:
We sue McDonalds for making us fat.

Thread over.

No "We" don't. I've been very proud of myself of late. I've lost about 20 pounds by not eating fast food, not drinking and soda, and by actually working out.

Crazy how that works- eat less, exercise more. But never once would I have considered a lawsuit against a place I can choose to walk by without visiting for food.

I don't feel comfortable posting my responses to the questions of the thread, but that's because I'm just feeling a bit too private for that. It is a great thread though, Prof. because I think if people around the world see us through television shows and news reports, it's not how most of us live.

I got so sickened during Hurricane Katrina to hear that all the folks living down in New Orleans in the slums were living "paycheck to paycheck". Well, bad news- LOTS of folks live that way in the USA. TV is a bad way to get a good clear view of Americans.

I've been working since I was 13 (I'm 35 now), and I would hardly consider myself well off.
