Spoiled Americans: Reality and Myth ...

Thank you for addressing the inane McDonald's comment, Hedonis. "We" don't do anything. I don't know why but I guess I'll answer these

I am an: US Born Citizen
I started working at age: 10
Started working full-time at age: 25

Went to college X years: 4.5
Last graduated from: College - BS
While in college, I worked: none, part-time (16-32) hours/week), full-time (32-48+ hours/week): A little bit of every answer, depends on when.

Work X hours/week (on average): 45
Inherited wealth of: <$10K
Earn (on average): $50-75K
Receive X in local+state+federal assistance a year (nearest $1K): 0
Think I receive: NOTHING
Pay X on state+federal income taxes a year (nearest $1K): $9,000
Think I pay: WAY TOO FUCKING MUCH, NOT TO MENTION SALES TAX, VEHICLE TAX, MEDICARE, UNEMPLOYMENT, INVENTORY TAX, ETC. ETC. ETC.Pay X on local+state property taxes a year (nearest $1K): $2,000
Spend X on auto+health+home insurance a year (nearest $1K): $3,000

First car at age: 18
First car cost: $1,600
First car paid for by: Me
Current car at age: 33
Current car cost: $28,000
Current car paid for by: Me
Current car get X miles per gallon: 17
Drive X miles to work (each way): 15
Drive X minutes to work (each way): 25

First married my: I'm not falling for that one
First married at age:
First wedding cost:
Cheated on first spouse (if and how far did you go?):
First divorce was me, her/him, mutual?
First divorce at age:
First divorce cost:

Registered: Not
Voted President in 2004: Meet the new boss, same as the old boss

Tabitha Stern

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
=== Start Questionaire ===

I am an: US Born Citizen
I started working at age: 15
Started working full-time at age: 18

Went to college X years: 6, with 4 more coming up
Last graduated from: Bachelors in Arts
While in college, I worked: part-time (16-32) hours/week

Work X hours/week (on average): if you can call it work, around 10-20
Inherited wealth of: $0

Earn (on average): enough to be comfortable, but not rich by any means
Receive X in local+state+federal assistance a year (nearest $1K): $0
Think I receive: X

Pay X on state+federal income taxes a year (nearest $1K): well, I got myself in a jam the past few years, so we are digging out of it now, so far we have paid $3k, but looking at about $7k more to get us out of this

Think I pay: WAY TOO MUCH...Taxes are a ripoff. I am going to start enclosing a letter each time I submit taxes asking them itemize where they spend MY money

Pay X on local+state property taxes a year (nearest $1K): approx $1k

Spend X on auto+health+home insurance a year (nearest $1K): approx $10k

First car at age: 17
First car cost: $600
First car paid for by: ME!
Current car at age: 29
Current car cost: $5k
Current car paid for by: Me
Current car get X miles per gallon: 28mpg
Drive X miles to work (each way): 16
Drive X minutes to work (each way): 22

First married my: Best friend
First married at age: 24
First wedding cost: $32 (las vegas marriage commissioner)
Cheated on first spouse (if and how far did you go?): never
First divorce was me, her/him, mutual? never
First divorce at age: never
First divorce cost: never

Registered: Democrat

Vote: Whoever I feel is the real human being with morals...so, I rarely feel right about anyone anymore, they all usually suck

Voted President in 2004: because of lack of better options, Kerry
I am an: US Born Citizen
I started working at age:14
Started working full-time at age:16

Went to college X years: 2
Last graduated from: High school
While in college, I worked: full-time (32-48+ hours/week)
Work X hours/week (on average): 44 to 77
Inherited wealth of:Nothing but misery! After my father died (over 13 years ago) my mother slightly "lost it" and I have been helping her cope with her daily life and with her MOST of her debts...both of my brother and my sister disowned her completely the day after dad past so as cold hearted as it may sound I have been cursed with a good heart which has stolen the past 13 years from me to repay her for raising me......*sighs* I hate being me most days!:(
Earn (on average): $25-50K+/year
Receive X in local+state+federal assistance a year (nearest $1K): $0
Think I receive: Nothing
Pay X on state+federal income taxes a year (nearest $1K): Around $4,500
Think I pay: WAY too much in income taxes! Uncle Sam rapes the single middle class white males that have no Dependants to claim!
Pay X on local+state property taxes a year (nearest $1K): No state tax in Texas
Spend X on auto+health+home insurance a year (nearest $1K):Around $5,500

First car at age: 22
First car cost: $200 (bought it from a family member...BTW it wasn't worth the money!)
First car paid for by: me
Current car at age: 37
Current car cost: 66 payment of $300(per month)...you do the math!
Current car paid for by: 14 payments down...52 to go!
Current car get X miles per gallon: Around 20 to 30
Drive X miles to work (each way): 17.5
Drive X minutes to work (each way): About 30 minutes

First married my: Haven't yet but me and the future Mrs are aiming on a date sometime next year
First married at age: 39 (I'm hoping! And she will be 26)
First wedding cost: Nothing yet!
Cheated on first spouse (if and how far did you go?): Nope and I have absolutely NO reason to EVER cheat on her...she is so overwhelmingly good to me and I have never experienced the amazing level of love she she and I share and I would rather die than lose her!
First divorce was me, her/him, mutual? N/A

First divorce at age: N/A
First divorce cost: N/A

Registered: Not Never anyone worth voting for so I gave up a few years back!
Vote: See above ^
Voted President in 2004: No one worthy enough to get my vote

WOW! That was depressing...thanks Prov! J/K;)
hedonis said:
No "We" don't. I've been very proud of myself of late. I've lost about 20 pounds by not eating fast food, not drinking and soda, and by actually working out.

Crazy how that works- eat less, exercise more. But never once would I have considered a lawsuit against a place I can choose to walk by without visiting for food.

I don't feel comfortable posting my responses to the questions of the thread, but that's because I'm just feeling a bit too private for that. It is a great thread though, Prof. because I think if people around the world see us through television shows and news reports, it's not how most of us live.

I got so sickened during Hurricane Katrina to hear that all the folks living down in New Orleans in the slums were living "paycheck to paycheck". Well, bad news- LOTS of folks live that way in the USA. TV is a bad way to get a good clear view of Americans.

I've been working since I was 13 (I'm 35 now), and I would hardly consider myself well off.


I posted that comment because WE as americans ARE spoiled.

I can post a looooot of different examples that you can relate to.
I'm wondering when it was that the term "successful" was morphed to "spoiled..." :confused:

This idea that successful people should feel guilty for their accomplishments and their way of life because there are people with less, living in worse conditions, etc. is pointless and meritless, IMO - it's the victim mentality which fuels socialism and, at worst, communism. It's not compassion. It's envy fueled by a lack of both personal ambition and resourcefulness.

Most of us here all work hard, pay our taxes, and enjoy the fruits of our labor. Yes, it's horrible that some people suffer and die every day due to malnutrition, disease, and so forth, but we cannot call our EARNED comfortable station and achievements in life "being spoiled." We've worked hard for what we have and how we live. We pay taxes to help those in desperate need (and many in not-so-desperate need), and many of us also donate to domestic AND international charitable relief organizations to try to help.

If people in the USA are spoiled, who's doing the spoiling, then? God?

:hatsoff: :2 cents:
I am an: US Born Citizen
I started working at age:16
Started working full-time at age:18

Went to college X years:2
Last graduated from: HS
While in college, I worked: Full Time

Work X hours/week (on average):60
Inherited wealth of:$0

Earn (on average):$50K(depends on business)
Receive X in local+state+federal assistance a year (nearest $1K):$0
Think I receive:
Pay X on state+federal income taxes a year:$4-5K
Think I pay: Too much
Pay X on local+state property taxes a year (nearest $1K):$4000+
Spend X on auto+health+home insurance a year (nearest $1K):$4K

First car at age:18
First car cost:$3600
First car paid for by: Myself
Current car at age:42..44..45(three cars)
Current car cost:$22K...$13K..$36K
Current car paid for by:paid off..Paid off...Myself
Current car get X miles per gallon:22...32...18
Drive X miles to work (each way):18
Drive X minutes to work (each way):25

First married my:girlfriend
First married at age:23
First wedding cost:$4000
Cheated on first spouse (if and how far did you go?):Never
First divorce : Still married to same gal..24 yrs.
First divorce at age:
First divorce cost:

Registered: Not
Vote: Not since Reagan
Voted President in 2004:Nope


Closed Account
Oh, registration was party affiliation. I put my racing league registration, HA!

And for the records, both party's can blow me, and so can everyone in Washington DC.

And hell yes Americans are spoiled. Two Words, Water Park.

Just because you don't like to be called spoiled doesn't mean your not.
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calpoon said:
OK, let me put it this way, compared to the rest of the world in terms of luxuries, the average American is spoiled. the top 3% of the wealthy live as disgustingly and exploitative as the ones in every other country. So that's either a sign of our opulence, or not, depending on your POV. some people have it really bad, and they have to worry about survival on a day to day basis, but I think the real possibility of starvation is not one that faces any number of Americans that can be accurately given a statistical number.

In terms of work, it's relative. I do think among industrialized nations that the average American works longer and harder. But I might add, for the most part it's not a sign of our work ethic, as it is of our greed ethic, and we work hard to make that 3% and buy all those useless appliances.

I want to review: You say the average american is spoiled, yet you reference the top %3? The wealthy (or %3) aren't representative of the average that is the problem. Statistically they work as "outlyers" and thus skew the results. The same problem occurs when world fact books/almanacs use the "mean" for average household income. They should be using the median income as Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Michael Dell, et.al skew the mean into thinking all americans are dong better than we are. I think that misinterpretation/ faulty display is exactly what bothers Prof and I. Now combine these inaccuracies with the media and you get an unjustified world view of Americans.

Do we consume most of the worlds resources? Yes we do. Do we pay for most of the worlds aid, poverty , economic issues? Yes we do that too. We can be pigs like anyone else, however, I do not think we are these manner-less evil slob americans. We do good and bad like everyone else.

Second, and very simply. You cannot call Americans spoiled, but then two sentences later say we work hard because we are greedy and want extra toys. Spoiled: Implies we are given things without effort on our part....as in things are just handed to us. If we work hard and you want to call us greedy then you can't call us spoiled. I can't say I like either example, however you certainly can't use both. I am simply saying those that are spoiled do not work hard.
I must admit, I thought America had the same levels of living as the rest of the world. You get your rich, you get you poor and then just the man who works to live at a nice level.

Am I wrong ?
Did someone change anything while I was asleep ?

Are you just trying to ease your own ego for some reason Prof:dunno:
I think the guilt-tripping is because the USA's rich people are often more rich, comparatively, than other countries' rich people, while our poor aren't as poor as, say, people living in mud huts somewhere. Although we have our share of homeless people living in the streets, but a mud hut is better than that. Oh well. There will be rich and poor, powerful and weak, healthy and ill, educated and uneducated people in every society or country. That's just life. We CANNOT all be equal, and using governmental powers to attempt to equalize everyone is just dead wrong. That's why pure socialism is flawed - it endeavours to level the playing field, but it cannot make the actual people equal. There are still rich and poor, powerful and weak, healthy and ill, educated and uneducated people, and it's a fiscal punishment for achievers.

I won't be guilted for enjoying the standard of life the USA has established, or the one I've established for myself. I'm charitable and I pay taxes. If I don't suffer 100% of the day because I've managed to provide myself, my wife/lover/girlfriend/children/friends with creature comforts and I can afford novelties and entertainment beyond necessities, I'm not "spoiled." I'm "happy."

Very good point, Poggy.

poggy1 said:
I must admit, I thought America had the same levels of living as the rest of the world. You get your rich, you get you poor and then just the man who works to live at a nice level.

Am I wrong ?
Did someone change anything while I was asleep ?

Are you just trying to ease your own ego for some reason Prof:dunno:
Nightfly said:
I think the guilt-tripping is because the USA's rich people are often more rich, comparatively, than other countries' rich people, while our poor aren't as poor as, say, people living in mud huts somewhere. Although we have our share of homeless people living in the streets, but a mud hut is better than that. Oh well. There will be rich and poor, powerful and weak, healthy and ill, educated and uneducated people in every society or country. That's just life. We CANNOT all be equal, and using governmental powers to attempt to equalize everyone is just dead wrong. That's why pure socialism is flawed - it endeavours to level the playing field, but it cannot make the actual people equal. There are still rich and poor, powerful and weak, healthy and ill, educated and uneducated people, and it's a fiscal punishment for achievers.

I won't be guilted for enjoying the standard of life the USA has established, or the one I've established for myself. I'm charitable and I pay taxes. If I don't suffer 100% of the day because I've managed to provide myself, my wife/lover/girlfriend/children/friends with creature comforts and I can afford novelties and entertainment beyond necessities, I'm not "spoiled." I'm "happy."

Very good point, Poggy.

Well Done nightfly. All I can say is that I agree. Cheers
Nightfly said:
I'm wondering when it was that the term "successful" was morphed to "spoiled..." :confused:

This idea that successful people should feel guilty for their accomplishments and their way of life because there are people with less, living in worse conditions, etc. is pointless and meritless, IMO - it's the victim mentality which fuels socialism and, at worst, communism. It's not compassion. It's envy fueled by a lack of both personal ambition and resourcefulness.

Most of us here all work hard, pay our taxes, and enjoy the fruits of our labor. Yes, it's horrible that some people suffer and die every day due to malnutrition, disease, and so forth, but we cannot call our EARNED comfortable station and achievements in life "being spoiled." We've worked hard for what we have and how we live. We pay taxes to help those in desperate need (and many in not-so-desperate need), and many of us also donate to domestic AND international charitable relief organizations to try to help.

If people in the USA are spoiled, who's doing the spoiling, then? God?

:hatsoff: :2 cents:
Very well said,Nightfly!:hatsoff:


Retired Moderator
I cannot but agree with Nightfly. I live in a country which was ruled by communists more than 40 years, which led it almost to ruin. The system based on the social equality is not only destructive to any improving activity but also brings out the worst qualities of human nature and I think that both so-called "social justice" and hostility to "spoiled" (either rich or successful) people (countries, nations...) are nothing more than envy veiled with seemingly magnanimous words. Property is not a theft and there is no reason to blame the successful hard-working people for poverty and starving of others, however regrettable these things are. What more, I haven’t ever registered that depriving somebody of the property or comfort has helped any society to eliminate poverty or starving – it’s exactly the opposite: it has made even more people fall into poverty. I cannot therefore find any reason, why honest, successful and helpful persons or societies should be branded as spoiled or guilty of others‘ poor life conditions.


It's good to be the king...
cabey said:
My image of americans is not based on tv shows but rather on the places i've been and the people i've met in america and abroad and also on the news

I cannot but agree with Nightfly. I live in a country which was ruled by communists more than 40 years, which led it almost to ruin. The system based on the social equality is not only destructive to any improving activity but also brings out the worst qualities of human nature and I think that both so-called "social justice" and hostility to "spoiled" (either rich or successful) people (countries, nations...) are nothing more than envy veiled with seemingly magnanimous words.
And Communism is all about "fair."
Think about it. ;)