i agree, i got a theory on that reboot maybe marvel would put spiderman in next avengers movie but Tobey won't playin' spiderman againOne of the most unnecessary reboots ever.
+1, at this point. Let's see if they change my mind with the new movies.Not a big fan of the new ones. I think Spider-Man was the better.The big problem for me was the Amazing Spider-Man was emo Peter Parker. Spider-Man was nerd Peter. I prefer nerd Peter.
Ask me which is the better franchise after I see Amazing 2 and I'll probably have an answer one way or another. Spiderman 2 was a sensational film if you like comic adaptations like I do.
Welllll........ Amazing 2 was a superb film and it easily held up to the high water mark of Spiderman 2, even if it didn't have an actor with the gravitas of Alfred MoLina In a major role. Sally Fields did a great job adding pathos to Aunt May's scenes, mind. Overall comparing the two "Amazing" films to the first two Maguire films.... I can imagine watching the Amazings more often.
That said, as good a job as Garfield does as Spiderman (better than the first Amazing, I think), I still don't care for the way that, not so much he portrays Peter Parker so much as the writers have written Peter Parker. The geek that is Peter Parker WOULD NOT snog Gwen Stacy in front of their whole graduation class. That was ludicrous. I think the re-imagining has gone way too far in trying to make Peter Parker sexy.
But that's probably just the jealous nerd in me speaking.
Yeah I thought the reboot was odd at the time but I definitely like The Amazing Spiderman better. Tobey Maguire came across as too much of a goof.
And the web shooters in Amazing made more sense than the webs literally coming out of the wrists in Tobey's version. Besides, if you were to take on a spider's natural ability to shoot webs wouldn't they come out of somewhere else?
The web thing was never a Spider gift, Peter had to come up with web fluid and shooters.
(I have many Spiderman comics in my collection, I once had the origins editions of Spidey but don't think I got'em now...
I don't remember them being biological in the first three Spidey movies with Tobey.)