Ric0chet said:If they do use Sandman and Venom I cannot see them pulling the whole venom saga off in 1 movie. Most of you know the situation with Venom, this with the introduction of ol' sandy I just cant see being pulled off - they will have to cut way too much out.
Death_blooms08 said:I don't see them being able to do Venom in one movie without cheating the fans (Oh I'm about to sound like such a comic book geek).
Its been a while but If I remember correctly the symbiote came from space when John Jameson went up. Then after it came back it attached itself to spiderman and he wore the costume for a while. Then finally he got rid of it at the church where it attached itself to Eddie Brock who was about to commit suicide and thus Venom was born. And Carnage would be impossible but he wasn't created till Eddie was jailed with Cletus Kasidy.
And the only thing that is established is John Jameson and Brock's name was mentioned in the first movie..... so to create and fight Venom in one movie would be cheating the fans.