Spider-Man getting a Reboot !

Sooo ... how do you feel about a reboot?

  • I love it! Fuck Sam Raimi, Fuck Tobey Maguire, and Fuck Kirsten Dunst!

    Votes: 12 29.3%
  • I hate it! I wanted Spider-Man 4! Fuck you Sony!

    Votes: 16 39.0%
  • I really could give a Spider's hairy ass!

    Votes: 13 31.7%

  • Total voters
I think the problem with completely rebooting Spider-Man in the comics is the fact that you'd have to reboot everything else as well to fit the timeline, Marvel couldn't and shouldn't do that, unlike DC where they have no problems shaking things up.

The one thing Marvel has over DC in terms of comic book continuity, is the fact that Marvel does have atleast a fairly streamlined continuity. Where DC's continuity was essentially split in two with the introduction of "Flash of two earth's" and Earth-Two, and then again with Crisis on Infinite Earths.

Marvel tried re-doing Spider-Man somewhat during the late 1990's with John Byrne's "Spider-Man: Chapter One", but it was a complete and total failure. The only way for a complete reboot in the comics to work, would be to reboot the entire Marvel universe. Otherwise, things are going to get contradictory sooner rather than later. Which was exactly what DC experienced following Crisis on Infinite Earths back in the mid 1980's. With Hawkman's origin being one of the easiest examples out of many.

But I sincerely doubt that will ever happen with Marvel anytime soon. Not with the Ultimate universe basically filling that position.
Firing Tobey and Sam, OK. But canceling Spider 4 and re-bouting the saga, this is bullshit !


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Robert Pattinson as Peter Parker, and the gay werewolf guy as Man-Wolf.

You heard it here first.
I hated the Spider-Man movies with Tobey Maguire and decided not to watch the third. What a let down. Whatever comes next can only be better, surely.
Best thing about the Spiderman movies.... Bruce Campbell.
BC tells people he's the only person to actually defeat Spiderman (he stopped PP from seeing MaryJane's show in #2). He also named Spiderman in #1. You probably know this stuff.

Bruce Campbell is awesome. Hilarious on Burn Notice....

I think we've already seen the "Origins" of Spiderman so my thinking is that they'll turn it into a teen horror romance....kind of give the series a "Twighlight" twist with shirtless hardbodied guys trying to get teen chicks in the sack? :dunno:

If they go back to high school days there certainly won't be much of an action story to it....sad to say.
Hopefully they get a hotter chick to play Mary Jane!!! I'm down with it... hopefully these movies will be grittier than the first three. I think the second one is great, while the first one was good, the third was just decent.
Hopefully they make him an actual man-spider. Tough as fuck, but he still has feelings. And Death Cab For Cutie and The Black Ghosts do the soundtrack. Because if an actual man-spider listened to music, he would only listen to bands that were indie as fuck. Although Death Cab are actually pretty popular and not "indie", the man-spider would still like them because they wear thick rimmed glasses and knitted sweaters with sport coats.
BC tells people he's the only person to actually defeat Spiderman (he stopped PP from seeing MaryJane's show in #2). He also named Spiderman in #1. You probably know this stuff.

Bruce Campbell is awesome. Hilarious on Burn Notice....
There was some buzz going around that in the next movie Bruce would play the villain Mysterio and it would turn out that the three cameos he's had in the previous three films would all be Mysterio stalking Spiderman to learn about him before launching his campaign against him.

That would've been fucking brilliant.



I want Venom and Carnage!!!
No reboot! Just introduce Jackal have him create a Spiderman clone named Ben Reilly. Pete Parker marries MJ and move to Florida or something. Ben Reilly becomes new Spiderman vs. Venom and Carnage. That easy.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I want Venom and Carnage!!!
No reboot! Just introduce Jackal have him create a Spiderman clone named Ben Reilly. Pete Parker marries MJ and move to Florida or something. Ben Reilly becomes new Spiderman vs. Venom and Carnage. That easy.

That seems easy, but something like that would take an entire movie, and at this point it already seems like Maguire won't be returning, so they don't have a Peter... :dunno:


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
they spent too much time telling us the story of Spider-man. I want action, not drawn out drama. And the dance scene when Tobey was possessed by the Venom thing? Puh-leeez never again
I'm just waiting for the day when films and their reboots are filmed concurrently and released on the same weekend so we can all choose which continuity we want to watch. I give it three years, with the pace at which the window for remaking is closing.


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
Look at the Batman movies. Like Spiderman was going to be any different?
I'm just waiting for the day when films and their reboots are filmed concurrently and released on the same weekend so we can all choose which continuity we want to watch. I give it three years, with the pace at which the window for remaking is closing.

Octopussy/Never Say Never Again