

Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
I can read a bit in Spanish, but my accent causes everyone to laugh at me.


Don't feel too bad, when I actually bother to try to speak dutch everyone pegs me as American right away. Evidently I have a very thick accent.

And as in spanish, I can't roll my Rs worth shit.
No se; posible esta auto es robado?
Porque quiere a conoser, pendajo?

Pinche 5-O...

Ever hear stuff like that? :rofl:

My Spanish is pretty much daily use, nothing serious..."cambio canal con esta buton", "donde es la antena"?

Yes, along with the ever popular "maricon" (which means homosexual)

The best was the guy who said "No hable Espanol".

And I looked at him a bit quizzically and asked "No Espanol? Que tu hable?"

And he replied "Yo hable pero Mexicano". :confused:

But the whole conversation, which was in Spanish, oddly enough, came to a halt when I asked him:

Usted in este pais legalmente? Usted tiene papeles de imigracion?

That usually did the trick for getting them to play nice, though the irony was that INS never came for them. If you didn't have a hundred illegal immigrants in a box car- they didn't care. And frankly, I didn't either, because usually these were nice folks.

Without drivers licenses.

Can the people that decide to write in spanish include a translation please?
Can the people that decide to write in spanish include a translation please?

Sure thing- basically, my conversation above was:

Him- "I don't speak Spanish"

Me- "You don't speak Spanish?" What do you speak?"

Him- "Mexican"

So I asked him- "Are you in the country legally? Do you have immigration papers?"





Proud first owner of FreeOnes Playing Cards
Otro intento:

¡Amigos hola españoles!
¡Sensación libre de echar un vistazo a este nene caliente Rebeca Linares que representa España para Copa Mundial de Fútbol 2010 en Sudáfrica!
¿No piensa usted que ella está muy caliente también?

Another attempt:

Friends hello Spanish!
Sensation free to throw a glance to this warm baby Cardigan Flax fields that Spain represents for World Glass of Football 2010 in South Africa!
Do not you think that she is very warm also?