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South Carolina plans license plate for Christians

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So where is the atheist,jewish,muslim etc. plates South Carolina? Unbelievable that these people think they should be able to use govt to push their particular religious view and no other view is allowed a plate .

It's not often I agree with Fox, but hey, he's right. Those license plates are only yours in the fact that they're on your car. They belong to the state.

Refocusing government money, as long as it's not taken from private businesses or individuals, isn't socialism.

But wow- I know it's in vogue right now, but I'm amazed by all the hate for Christianity that came spewing forth in this thread, right from the beginning. ********** has been the voice of... reason?


Seriously, why the hell is everyone so up in arms. This isn't going to be a plate you *have* to get in SC- it's an optional plate that Christians can get if they want. Hell, here in Iowa we have TONS of optional plates:


And that's not counting the handicapped, official city, county, and state plates, truck and trailer (semi) plates, etc.

I'd love to see a voodoo plate, but that's more likely in Louisiana than here in Iowa. I guess I just don't see the reason for everyone to immediately chime in on the bashing of Christianity just because there's a stupid license plate announcing faith. Sweet Christ, go to Nebraska, where they also have a religious plate- announcing their faith and devotion to University of Nebraska football.

Let's be honest, they may not have a license plate, but if there was this kind of reaction to rainbow stickers on the back of someone's car, it would be labeled as "hate", and there would be outrage, apologies demanded, etc. Time honored tradition- people announce and celebrate what interests them, what they stand for, etc. I haven't crossed the threshold of a church in over 20 years, but I'm not going to bash folks that do. It's not that big of a deal.

And can someone please explain how "This can result in only bad. "? :dunno:

:2 cents: (all right, more like half a penny and a coupon for breakfast at Denny's)

No offense Hedonis but I just can't let that pass without a response.
Hate right from the beginning? Above I included the only comments I made when I created the thread.Asking why no other view is being allowed is hate? This all reminds me of the poll and thread I started about "under god" being in the pledge of allegiance which is another way the govt promotes and endorses religion.IMO if we were going to be fair, govt would not be involved in any way so there would be no "under god" and there would not be "under no god" eithier.But fairness as evidenced by the pledge and things like this plate is not something very prevalent in the country.Religion I think is one of the most dangerous concepts in the world and has been for a long time.All of them I include in that,christians, muslims ,judiasm etc etc etc..Now maybe you would call that hate but it is in my mind just trying to counter a dangerous belief system.And as someone mentioned you will not be seeing any pro gay license plates I bet anytime soon or pro atheist eithier.I love this let people alone stuff as long as they get to do what they want and discriminate against others.Religion is a big deal as it is one of the most backward belief systems in the world and its counter to so many things we need to be promoting like birth/population control.Really amazes me how people talk about backward muslims but see some big difference in other religious views.Lets join the enlightened world like the trend is in europe and stop pushing this ancient outdated viewpoint is our only hope on so many issues.Some ancient belief system or even new ones based on "faith" in something like a god are not going to save us from our own actions like over population and climate change.Times have changed and belief systems need to keep up or be discarded."Be fruitfull and multiply" as an example may have been a perfectly rational thought a thousand years ago but is very outdated when you have multiplied to the tune of 7 billion people.
That is how the result of such pushing religion will be bad IMO.
And this plate is clearly unconstitutional and as I said earlier I think a Federal court will find it so.People are free to put any sticker on their car they like,religious ,rainbow, etc,why do they need the govt to be part of that? I want all this preferential treatment religions get for my value system(atheism) and am outraged it is not especially in a country that is suppose to be neutral on such things.:2 cents:
And no coupon or change from my two cents.:)
To each their own, if you want one get one if you don't that's good too. Just get along!


hedonis said:
But wow- I know it's in vogue right now, but I'm amazed by all the hate for Christianity that came spewing forth in this thread, right from the beginning.

And they act like any faith whatsoever equates to obsession and zealotry. I guarantee that there are a whole hell of a lot greater number of self styled atheists that dwell in their contempt for christianity much - much more often that any of the christian oriented people that I know, even so much as think about their faith.
I've said it before - If you happen to meet an atheist for the first time, you'll know all about it in short order.:rolleyes: and you'll be reduced to talking about . . well . . religion ! Atheists are rarely moderate and are often outspoken.
I've met people that I later found out were of a christian oriented faith, only by the test of time . . . months . . years had passed until they revealed that they go to church twice a flippin year ! :laugh:

I will concede that there's a good and bad in each category. There always seems to be an appetite for vicious and inflamitory personal attacks . . . that don't sit right with me. Maybe we'll oppress ourselves one day.


I don't understand the contradiction, Friday, If an absolute zero child policy is proposed within the atheist community, isn't it essentially over ? From where will the next influential athe generation arise, hatch . . whatever ? Unless there's a special comet or . . hell, something beyond my comprehension, that takes place, I don't understand the thrust of the upheavel.

Maybe the duty is to maintain that everybody else not have children and hope that they follow the good word, all the while, you might already be a father of five . . . (yeah ?) . . . uhh ? :tongue:
I don't understand the contradiction, Friday, If an absolute zero child policy is proposed within the atheist community, isn't it essentially over ? From where will the next influential athe generation arise, hatch . . whatever ? Unless there's a special comet or . . hell, something beyond my comprehension, that takes place, I don't understand the thrust of the upheavel.

Maybe the duty is to maintain that everybody else not have children and hope that they follow the good word, all the while, you might already be a father of five . . . (yeah ?) . . . uhh ? :tongue:

Facetious its posts like that that make me really just breeze by many of your posts as just being off the wall and not even resembling anything with logic that can be responded to or engaged in any sensible way.No one I know of is talking about a zero child policy anywhere.What I am talking about is a very main stream view within religions that birth control of any sort is against gods will and that it is gods will you have as many children as possible.There must be a middle ground between those right? You know I just recently watched the movie "Children of Men" which if you are not familair with is basically what you are talking about(no more children are born for years) and while I found it a fairly good movie thought its premise was actually the last thing we have to worry about happening.The population of the world since 1850 has exploded from never being over 1 billion before that to its current almost 7 billion and is headed still straight up.And that is in the face of evidence that the planet does not have the carrying capacity to accomodate that at all.But here lets not make this a personal I think one thing you think another debate.I will once again post a site I think lays out very nicely what the numbers are and what the planet's population carrying capacity is.I say go find me one that comes from the other side that says don't worry the planet can easily accomodate the almost 7 billion and even more.



What I am talking about is a very main stream view within religions that birth control of any sort is against gods will and that it is gods will you have as many children as possible.There must be a middle ground between those right?
You're talking about a minority of "old timers" that follow the book to the "T". I think that you take it all too literally, Friday. Let me qualify this - Back in high school (about 20ish years ago), the best dates were chicks from the local all girls catholic high school. Sluts ! Homicidal Fucking machines ! and I'm not talking about two girls here. I've known Christian oriented people to drink immense amounts of alcohol, snort copious amounts of coke and meth, impregnate girls / women . . and fund abortions, curse profusely, even cling to an infamous biker org and and and . . .
This notion of what you identify as "main stream" is unfounded. People fuck around and do the hell what they want today. No Christian that I know actually adheres to the teachings of the bible ! are you kidding me ?:dunno:
I'd invite you to maybe get out more and see for this for yourself. Please demonstrate this orthodoxy of which you speak an I'll show you a hen with teeth ! :D

At ease, you
I love the fact that so many of you want to vote democrat because of what they stand for. They have long been the party that says they are "tolerant and embracing" of EVERYONE!!!

Yet so many of you HATE Christians and a whole state and a whole area of the country because of a damn CAR TAG!!!! That is asinine!!!

1. The tag isn't gonna be MANDATORY for ANYONE, You have to PAY to buy it (Who are YOU to say how SOMEONE ELSE spends their money?????)

2. How many of you SERIOUSLY driving around trying to see what everyone else's TAG SAYS!??!?!?!

3. If some license plate offends you, you need to seek help, SERIOUSLY!!!

4. There is NO "Separation of Church and state" in the CONSTITUTION! It doesn't say that ANYWHERE! I DEFY you to show me that phrase that is embraced by the left in this country. What the constitution says is that The Government (NOTHING ABOUT STATES) shall NOT ESTABLISH a national religion. PERIOD. It is an ESTABLISHMENT CLAUSE that applies to the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.

5. If you want to YOU CAN sponsor a bill or approach your congressman and try to get a special tag that says what YOU BELIEVE. You can put forth the effort if it bugs you that BAD!!!

6. If it bothers you THAT BAD that someone believes differently from you, that is a personal problem of YOURS that you really SHOULD deal with.

7. Christians are NOT SICK as posted by one member, they simply believe DIFFERENTLY from YOU.

8. Maybe some of you should really join the 21st century, things are much different in the south over the past couple hundred years.

9. Some people are INCREDIBLY narrow minded to proclaim to believe the way they do.

10. I am very happy that I am a conservative that minds my OWN business and stays OUT of everyone else's.

The Constitution DOES expressly guarantee Life, LIBERTY,, (this is where that tag comes in to play) and the PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. Which means, you have NO SAY SO about what someone does to their own vehicle, home or anything else as long as it does not affect you or place you in danger. This tag does neither. It is kinda like that idiot Michael Newdow that wants to change all the money and all that stupidity. I am very happy my LIFE isn't as empty as that idiot's. I have more to worry about and be involved with than something that ridiculous. He's a moron. A sue happy idiot.

If the availability of a TAG sparks this kind of ridiculous anger and hostility from some of you people, you really need help. This is pitiful.

Folks, life is too short to get this upset over things like this. In the big picture you are no better than anyone else, just because they believe differently than you do.
What are the tell tale signs of a slow news day, a story about a crappy christian idea comes up.

Once we got rid of all religion then what are we going to do when theres no news to report. More celebrity news (kill me now)

I might get a number plate (once I get a car) that says:

Fuck Jesus!
You have got to be kidding Me.---That is the most obscene statement I have ever seen on this board.You are an atheist and just leave it at that.Why spread your HATRED on this board?--That is not an opinion or idea...just pure hatred of anyone who believes in anything bigger than themselves.I am no "Jesus Freak",,but to spread hatred of a Great man and teacher of peace and tolerance is a very offensive thing to do.Are You so angry,lonely,or afflicted that You cannot respect the beliefs of millions of people?--I personally denounce the so called "evangelists",but I would never lower myself to offend a whole segment of our population.What is next for Your HATRED......to offend the Muslims,Jews,Hindus,Negroes,Whites,Asians,Gays,Indians?---I wish You well in dealing with Your anger and take pity on You.Think about what You said.....really think about it.Your anger,loneliness,or pain must be very intense for You to say something like what You said.I wish You well and hope that You become a more reasonable and understanding person of things You know nothing about.---Get Your atheist license plate (when You get a car):1orglaugh and just be happy with that instead of insulting other people.--You should be ashamed.---Fuck Ronald Reagan,Fuck George Bush,Fuck Martin Luther King,Fuck Nelson Mandella,Fuck Jerry Fallwell...etc---Why do that?---Practice tolerance of other peoples ideas and share ideas.Think....and be an adult....share ideas and opinions,but do not just bash people.I am sure that both Jesus and Martin Luther King were Greater Men than You and Me both.I feel sorry for You.Get it together,My friend.
You're talking about a minority of "old timers" that follow the book to the "T". I think that you take it all too literally, Friday. Let me qualify this - Back in high school (about 20ish years ago), the best dates were chicks from the local all girls catholic high school. Sluts ! Homicidal Fucking machines ! and I'm not talking about two girls here. I've known Christian oriented people to drink immense amounts of alcohol, snort copious amounts of coke and meth, impregnate girls / women . . and fund abortions, curse profusely, even cling to an infamous biker org and and and . . .
This notion of what you identify as "main stream" is unfounded. People fuck around and do the hell what they want today. No Christian that I know actually adheres to the teachings of the bible ! are you kidding me ?:dunno:
I'd invite you to maybe get out more and see for this for yourself. Please demonstrate this orthodoxy of which you speak an I'll show you a hen with teeth ! :D

At ease, you

You make me laugh, I grew up in working class suburb of NYC in New Jersey.No question in my mind who has seen more of harder side of the world,not that it is bad here lol.Lotta catholics in NJ if ya hadn't heard,or do I need to send Vito round to remind ya? I know all about catholic girls thank you and before you did.:1orglaugh .Your not even really a baby boomer who experienced any of the 60s and 70s you haven't a clue compared to us(me lol) about such things like sex and drugs and rock and roll.Cause some people you know aren't religious in your opinion that must mean no one is.But really I don't like the way you think things like personal experience in these things is such a great basis to judge things. I still know plenty of people who consider themselves good catholics and what the pope says is important if that matters.Sheesh my best friends brothers wife is always sending me these chain e-mails with religious crap in them.Don't tell me nobody follows this stuff anymore! And somebody in SC cares enough to want their message on a license plate.Yeah so I still notice that there is the pope and catholic church in america with lots of money although less with all the molesting stuff as well as the zealot evangelical protestants pushing anti abortion stuff as well as intelligent design and all that kind of enlightened thinking.But your right about one thing you won't really find them in numbers in the suburbs of the northeast cities or LA/California.:cool:
California is more religious than You know.--I live here:)...As far as the catholic church goes......Jesus would destroy the man made catholic church in My opinion....:2 cents:
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