There was a similar topic not so long ago. It's awful when the system shatters some innocent life. Makes you wonder how many more lives were ruined that way... But to be honest, it may be better that the man died. If I was him and was found innocent after my life was ruined, I'd probably choke with rage until I go crazy and either kill myself or become a criminal for real.
I have heard stories where innocent people that have served time, often many years of time, and to my surprise, a large percentage of these people that were cheated out of there own freedom only to serve the real criminals time, are not bitter or hold no grudge, they feel thankful and validated.
And they Are just grateful to be able to salvage the rest of their lives, indubitably a very wealthy person for the rest of their days, but relieved and thankful for freedom and justice!
but yeah lives are shattered and for a large part destroyed, put on hold, and raped of their freedom (NO pun intended) by the inexcusable mistakes and weaknesses we have in our justice system!
Maybe back in the time of this trial, their were NO tests for DNA or any definite proof that could save the wrong man from being sent to prison, cuz the victim ID'd him as her attacker, but any good defense, and any acute juror would have had reasonable doubt when they learned the accused DIDN'T SMOKE! and the real OFFENDER smoked heavily! that should have been the 1st red flag of doubt and raised suspicion they may have the wrong man on trial! :dunno: