[SCENE REQUEST] Someone must have

The rest of this set with Masuimi Max.... Anyone? Please!



FreeOnes Lifetime Member
I don't understand what you are asking. You want someone to provide you with the remaining pictures of this photo gallery. And how do you propose we do that? That sounds like you are asking us to provide you with a link to another website where you can download content that is protected. Yes, in other words you are asking about stolen content. And that's not going to happen because:

1. The Fetishnation.com website is still in existence,


2. That said without looking over the entire list of models, let's assume that the Masuimi Max photo set or video is still up at this website.

3. Just re-join the site: a monthly recurring script runs you $19.99 per month or a three month recurring script comes in at $39.99 or lastly a six month non-recurring script comes in at $79.99. Spend the bucks and

4. Download the scene and/or pictures to your harddrive.

I've not been on Freeones for a while and only just saw this. I was not asking that anyone posts free content, just if anyone knew where I could find this set. I'm more than happy to join sites, but it's not on Masuimi's official site or Fetish Nation. Sorry for the confusion.

Masuimi Max

Official Checked Star Member
I only just saw this thread! Unfortunately I don't have this set anymore. If anyone has it, feel free to send it to me and I'll put it back on my site! ;)