So, who else here is a loner?

I don't need a lot of people around to feel comfertable with myself. I wouldn't say I was anti-social, but I don't want the attention. I'm not looking to be something I'm not. If fact I wouldn't rather be along then be around people if I had to choose. Sometimes, I would like to go out, but If someone askes me I wouldn't have a problem saying I don't want to. Some people are full of shit, and I'm not one of those people.
No, I wouldnt call myself a loner I have a girlfriend a nice group of friends that I hang around with. Thats not to say I dont like abit of me time, we all do, because no one wants to go out all the time. But just for your physical and mental well being I believe you need people around you.

We are social animals, that doesnt mean going around getting drunk 7 days of the week, but conversing and being with people you like, and sometimes disslike is a good thing.

[All of this coming from a slightly drunk guy at 2:57am GMT :rolleyes:]

Being alone is fuckin awesome. Some of my friends complain and give me shit but fuck them.

Me + Case of Keiths + Xbox Live = good time.

I like living with a roommate and all, and he is an awesome friend, but I cannot wait until I find my own place by myself.
My father calls me today and we had a big discussion about why I never go out, have no friends, and how am anti-social. He also got angry because I said I didn't want to have children.

I enjoy my life, doing my own thing and living the way I want to. I love waking up everyday and there's silence. I like laying around and playing video games all Saturday or watching movies all night. They mean well, but my folks don't really understand.

Anyone else feel this way?

I've been questioned about such things. Usually by people who are married and have kids and want to know why I have neither. I guess it hasn't dawned on them that listening to them bitch about that same marriage and parenthood might have dampened my enthusiasm a bit.

I mean I enjoy spending time with friends and family, but only in moderation. A lot of the time, I just want to be left the Hell alone. And that's something many people just don't seem to understand; I may like you and enjoy your company, but that doesn't mean I want to hear your voice all the time either. If I'm engrossed in a book, don't flop down beside me and start babbling stupidity about your social life, your ex, or any of that crap...I don't need to know how your day went. I know how my day went, and that's enough, thank you.

Problem with your spouse? That's what marriage councilors are for.
Can't seem to resolve those childhood issues with your mom? Call a shrink...they get paid to listen to your drivel, I don't.
And heaven help you if you wake me up with a telephone call. Someone better be either dead, or dying.

Now I'm not a mean person. I actually can be one of the most kind-hearted people you'd ever know. But I like - no, I need - my space. And my peace and quiet. Does that view put people off? Sure it does...I've been called everything from a hermit to a shutout (or a shut-in). But the fact is I'm not heartless and uncaring; I simply prefer my own company a lot of the time.

Some call it being a loner. I call it being comfortable with solitude. :2 cents:

I've been questioned about such things. Usually by people who are married and have kids and want to know why I have neither. I guess it hasn't dawned on them that listening to them bitch about that same marriage and parenthood might have dampened my enthusiasm a bit.

I mean I enjoy spending time with friends and family, but only in moderation. A lot of the time, I just want to be left the Hell alone. And that's something many people just don't seem to understand; I may like you and enjoy your company, but that doesn't mean I want to hear your voice all the time either. If I'm engrossed in a book, don't flop down beside me and start babbling stupidity about your social life, your ex, or any of that crap...I don't need to know how your day went. I know how my day went, and that's enough, thank you.

Problem with your spouse? That's what marriage councilors are for.
Can't seem to resolve those childhood issues with your mom? Call a shrink...they get paid to listen to your drivel, I don't.
And heaven help you if you wake me up with a telephone call. Someone better be either dead, or dying.

Now I'm not a mean person. I actually can be one of the most kind-hearted people you'd ever know. But I like - no, I need - my space. And my peace and quiet. Does that view put people off? Sure it does...I've been called everything from a hermit to a shutout (or a shut-in). But the fact is I'm not heartless and uncaring; I simply prefer my own company a lot of the time.

Some call it being a loner. I call it being comfortable with solitude. :2 cents:

Yeah, there's no way I would ever wake up over a phone call. I hate gettin up as it is. I have my parents, brothers, and job in my phone's contact list. That's it.

Will E Worm

I am more out of habit. I need to go see my friend and go to the flea market and stores.

Also, he works on my vehicle for free. How do you like that? :D
Im very much a loner, I like being this way most of the time but I live with my brother who is very sociable so it makes me feel like I am doing something wrong with not going out every night or having a lot of friends. Its nice to see that Im not the only one like this.

If only I could find a girlfriend who is much the same way as me...
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I used to be a loner, or single to be exact. I had friends over for gaming sessions that last through early morning and workout buddies that I used to hang out with often. Still I was never comfortable without any female companionship so I got a GF for 3 years and after that I went on many dates before I met my wife. If I ever get a divorce I would still go on dates and have GFs because I hate being alone, even though there are tons of benefits as already mentioned. Being able to watch porn and jerk off whenever you want is nice but it's even nicer if you can fuck a real pussy when you feel like it, know what I am saying?
yeah. I've always been a loner. I like it. All my life I've only ever had about 4-7 friends at one time and less than that most often. Now I'm married and have three almost grown kids & I still like to go off by myself on drives or to the movies or just to walk around a museum for the 100th time.Big deal.


I have always been a loner. I actually only have one friend now. I don't date and to be honest I don't want to ever get married or be in a relationship. I just want to die alone and be left alone. I really hate most "real-life" people. I don't hate any of you guys tho, cause you guys are cool internet peeps, I just tend to hate people that I come into contact with in my day to day life.

I can probably spend weeks all by myself and not talk to another single soul and still be ok. As long as I have the internet and cable tv that's all I really need.
Dervish and I have a group of very close friends and we love them but there are times when we need to be by ourselves. During those times it's just the two of us retreating into our own comfy little world. Sometimes it can last two weeks and sometimes a month (so far never more than a month) but our friends know we'll always be back and they have no problem with it. A sign of true friendship.

One of my girlfriends once told me she and her husband would love to be able to be like that as well and just spend time with each other and leave the world for what it is for just a short time so I told her they should just do it. The world will still be here when they get back and things will stil be the same.

I have a small, but trustworthy group of true friends (& I know lots of people by face & name, but I certainly wouldn't call them true friends...), whom I help whenever I can, as they would do the same for me.

They don't tell me what to do or who to be & simply accept me for who I am & I accept them as they are as well.
I was single for a long period and during that time, sometimes I was a loner.
Just a couple of good friends and my family.

Like already said: being a loner can cause you problems in your social life (like at work.)

I always talked to my parents and asked them to give any repley/comments if I would beginning to act like a real asshole. That could happen, but it doesn't mean that a loner is an asshole, don't get me wrong.

Having a girlfriend right now is perfect. I mean, when you are feeling miserable from work and you are at home, you can express your feelings to someone and with someone.
Getting feedback is important!
I am a huge loner here. Like everyone else posted, it has it's perks and disadvantages. I had some friends back when I was in school that did nothing but take advantage of me and steal my stuff. Talk about me behind my back and treat me like crap. I got tired of all that and well just keep to myself.

I tried to date using online dating sites but that never worked out for me. Most women I meet from those seem superficial.
I wasn't a loner in my younger years, actually I tried pretty hard to be social. But now at 37, people don't seem to want or need to get "new" friends anymore, and most the old ones has moved away, gotten families etc. So, I guess, I've become somewhat of a loner. I've just stopped trying anymore.

whats funny about it though, is that my gf is 100% opposite. She has WAY to many friends, it's a never ending introduction of her friends going on, even after 6 months. She still manages to come up with some friend I havent said hi to. That is a tad too much for me though. Seems there's never any time for anything but go meeet her friends.

Now that she is away for christmas, things really changed. Been alone for most of several weeks, and for new years, didnt even manage to score a new years party. It's been tough before, but I've always come up with something last minute. Not this time.

So, I ended up going out with a 23 year old hooker I met during these weeks. Well, I paid her for the first night, but not since. Good thing about hookers, you don't need to worry about them being unfaithful or anything, cause you know their screwing around constantly anyways. :1orglaugh Lol But she's kinda nice actually.

But it's kinda sad aswell. I actually do want t o get married and get kids, but it seems it's never happening. I know cheating isnt good, but this was the first time ever I did that, and only 1 time. And I guess it was because of being alone. Given there where no other alternatives to get any form of company, except watching tv with my mom.bleh

I dont know, but being alone too much don't seem too good. However basing a social life on hookers, don't seem too good either. I have some friends, but it's seems it's limited what I get out of them, and we don't really do much together besides talk now and then. Gets boring in the long run.


Hiliary 2020
good post cait, I do understand, no advice here, only empathy.

I am in a similar spot, I know hundreds of people but I still feel pretty much alone.

I even have a few girlfriends, but none really satisfy.

Hookers just disappoint me, so I stay away, and there are some really smokin hookers here.

One thing I'd like to say is I would give almost anything for one night of watching tv with my mom.
As long as you have your health, your freedom and adequate monies, then (imo) you are ahead of about 1/2 to 2/3 of everyone else in the world.

The rest is gravy.
I try to look at the brighter side of life even though a lot of people have treaded on me and my family. Its hard for me to let it go. I believe in karma, so I life goes on.