Good post. I agree with almost everything you said. My one rejoinder would be that as the CEO of Ebay Meg never really gave a shit about the little people - the small sellers who collectively made Ebay the unique venue it was. I was concerned that proclivity might carry over to an elective office; that she might turn out to be nothing more than a self-serving special interests pawn.
Well, that is possible. Other than how Whitman performed as CEO and for the shareholders, I don't know enough about eBay to know what she did or how she treated smaller sellers. So your concerns might be entirely justified. :dunno:
But my feeling on Fiorina was that her first act as Senator, Governor or dog catcher would be to open a secret Swiss bank account for herself and
gubment checks would
really start bouncing with her in there. She was incompetent as H-P CEO, but to her credit, at least she's not a complete and total wingnut moron like Palin. You can use Palin's approval rating to track the number of dimwits in the United States, IMO.