So, how's that working out for you?

I've been an active member here for only a short time but I've already noticed there are some members (Andronicus Ry, johnnystyro, trident1 and some others who will surely feel left out) who are constantly bitching and moaning about something or hating on something or someone and I was just's that working out for you? Has there been a moment in the past when you thought to yourself; "You know what, all this negativity is really great! It has really contributed to my life in a positive way!"
I'm pretty sure Andronicus will be thrilled about this thread.

He'll likely thank you. Accept it. He's good with the reach around.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I've been an active member here for only a short time but I've already noticed there are some members (Andronicus Ry, johnnystyro, trident1 and some others who will surely feel left out) who are constantly bitching and moaning about something or hating on something or someone and I was just's that working out for you? Has there been a moment in the past when you thought to yourself; "You know what, all this negativity is really great! It has really contributed to my life in a positive way!"
I changed my user name to Andronicus in May 2011. That was five months before you joined the message board. The only way you would know that I was Andronicus Ry is if you were previously a member here and opened a new account (probably after being banned).

So, the real question is: who did you used to be?
I changed my user name to Andronicus in May 2011. That was five months before you joined the message board. The only way you would know that I was Andronicus Ry is if you were previously a member here and opened a new account.

So, the real question is: who did you used to be?

Aw snap:popcorn:


I changed my user name to Andronicus in May 2011. That was five months before you joined the message board. The only way you would know that I was Andronicus Ry is if you were previously a member here and opened a new account (probably after being banned).

So, the real question is: who did you used to be?

I'm also curious why styro was singled out. He hasn't been as frequent around here, in the alotted time.

I second your motion of "Shenanigans" and I recommend an emergency meeting of the Plenipotentiary Council. I'll bring the nipple clamps.
I changed my user name to Andronicus in May 2011. That was five months before you joined the message board. The only way you would know that I was Andronicus Ry is if you were previously a member here and opened a new account (probably after being banned).

So, the real question is: who did you used to be?

What if the guy lurked for years and finally decided to join? Thought about that sherlock?

Either way, i dont care much LOL!!!!!!!
I don't know who the other two are, but I'll speak for Andronicus. He only does these things when someone does something stupid, annoying, or shady. As long as you don't act like an idiot, he stays clear. I've received nothing but kind words from him.

And in 12 posts you have already observed all this?
I've been an active member here for only a short time but I've already noticed there are some members (Andronicus Ry, johnnystyro, trident1 and some others who will surely feel left out) who are constantly bitching and moaning about something or hating on something or someone and I was just's that working out for you? Has there been a moment in the past when you thought to yourself; "You know what, all this negativity is really great! It has really contributed to my life in a positive way!"
Oh come on man, get a life. :facepalm:


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Isn't bitching about people bitching kind of ironic?


For the EMPEROR!!
They're all "characters" (as we say here) in their own way.

Maybe you're the one taking things too serious.

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
Well ARy has a small penis and gets butt kicked in real life all the time so he is acting the Big Bad Guy in here. It's okay. Sometimes he's annoying, but I think I'd kinda miss him if he wasn't there anymore.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
You are correct. I've lurked here in the past.

Not really. I know some people play a character when they go online. My attempt to get a flamefest going failed miserably :crying:

And IP checks can show some very ironic similarities ^^


I changed my user name to Andronicus in May 2011. That was five months before you joined the message board. The only way you would know that I was Andronicus Ry is if you were previously a member here and opened a new account (probably after being banned).

So, the real question is: who did you used to be?

Oh no he didn't! mmm mmm ... :nono: :eek:

And IP checks can show some very ironic similarities ^^

Awww yeeahhh ... :yesyes:
Repressed homosexuality does that to an individual, sadly. If only we lived in a culture where one could be who he truly is without fear of being ostracised we'd all be far better people.

But alas, 'twas not to be....