I didn't want to do this, and had been avoiding doing so, but I'm going to try to fork this thread on ...
big is beautiful - bbw - voluptuous chubby luscious
... into this one.
For the most part, I didn't take issue often, but sometimes people would mention slender women like Audra Mitchell or Angelica Raven.
Some would even mention extremely slender (virtually no stomach protrusion at all) women like Cherry Brady and Chloe Vevrier.
But what really got to me was when a very slender, very curvy, just fuller figured OSCM like Rebecca Jessop inquired how she differed:
The whole "big girl" description was then rather dodged by most, without any substance in their responses.
I believe my response was far more complete, and it was what I had been worried about all along ...
So, let's have a "sister thread" of women who clearly don't have any stomach protrusion, but they are fuller figured (wider).
Women who are larger and wider than someone like, say, Kira Keener but are not as plump as women who are like, say, the more recent Kerry Marie
(although she'd clearly qualify as a FFW when more slender).
big is beautiful - bbw - voluptuous chubby luscious
... into this one.
For the most part, I didn't take issue often, but sometimes people would mention slender women like Audra Mitchell or Angelica Raven.
Some would even mention extremely slender (virtually no stomach protrusion at all) women like Cherry Brady and Chloe Vevrier.
But what really got to me was when a very slender, very curvy, just fuller figured OSCM like Rebecca Jessop inquired how she differed:
The whole "big girl" description was then rather dodged by most, without any substance in their responses.
I believe my response was far more complete, and it was what I had been worried about all along ...
So, let's have a "sister thread" of women who clearly don't have any stomach protrusion, but they are fuller figured (wider).
Women who are larger and wider than someone like, say, Kira Keener but are not as plump as women who are like, say, the more recent Kerry Marie
(although she'd clearly qualify as a FFW when more slender).