Slender, natural breasts, (just a handful).


Closed Account
I hope this description is sufficient. I will start this with Francesca, one of those ridiculously beautiful babes with a natural, wild, delicate European beauty. The kind that is not stunningly gorgeous, but still so beautiful and elegant as to make her seem out of touch to most guys.

I am tired of scratching around on this forum trying to find the right category. These babes are not skinny, they are slender. They do not have huge boobs, they are just 'normal', a handful.

They can have large breasts, but not enough to qualify to be posted under another section. They can be Met Art or basically any of the well known erotic nude sites.

Have fun.

Oh, and the ladies do not have to be stunning or gorgeous.


  • FrancescaB02.jpg
    186.2 KB · Views: 381
love the thread!

two words...Franziska Facella mmm mmm.:banana:


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