
I say "geez", "damn", "motherfucker asshole", lol, "what the ...", "crapinski", "(hell) fuck yeah/no".

Other than these, i try to use proper British English typing and American English pronounciation.
I say the word ya'll a lot which down South is slang for everyone.Just wondering how much slang do you guys use and what does the word mean:dunno:

Then of course there is "youins" which is ya'll plus 3.
When I'm not on FreeOnes, when I'm outside in the real world I only speak in "Cockney rhyming slang" :dunno:.

I'm going up the "apples and pears".
You're having an "tin bath".
I'm gonna take a "Donald Trump".

... etc etc etc.

I am trying to use my best English here on the board.
In real life, I'm speaking proper Dutch, most of the time.
Between my friends: sometimes a bit " Ernems."