Skyraider is actually white and this is how he is as a wedding DJ!

Fuck! Last time I ever go down to Tennessee for a wedding! Not as long as Skyraider is still living down there.


He'll only slap your white bride's bridesmaid's titties around!



Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Bad man Sky!
Bad man Sky!

I know! Right? How can we expect him to be a moderator when he runs around acting like this!?

Not to mention he is actually white!

I thought I finally found a black friend... :(

I guess not. Guess I have to find other black friends that hump and sexually ravage furniture.



Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I think you can find other friends :D


The One and Only Big Daddy
I know! Right? How can we expect him to be a moderator when he runs around acting like this!?

Not to mention he is actually white!

I thought I finally found a black friend... :(

I guess not. Guess I have to find other black friends that hump and sexually ravage furniture.


:rofl::rofl::rofl: Stop it Stop it :rofl2:That was great.Worse DJ ever :hatsoff:

:rofl::rofl::rofl: Stop it Stop it :rofl2:That was great.Worse DJ ever :hatsoff:

Well here we are:

Are you upset and wanting to stop that you slapped a white woman's titties around?

Upset that you suck as a DJ?

Unable to prove you are really black on here?

Or that I completely destroyed your reputation in the art of sexually assaulting furniture?

Take your pick....

I won't judge you ;)
I always thought Skyraider was Jewish, or some sort of Korean/Vietnamese hybrid
Skyraider Skyraider skyraider in da house yall!