Size of your porn collection?

my other computer that is in storage, has been for like 5 years, has one large folder of porn i downloaded when i was younger and surfed more of it. the folder is hidden, and i gave it a name tahts too absurd for anyone to figure out its name (thankfully in my family no one is saavy enough to figure how to unhide files in any way) If i saw that folder again id probly delete it since im not as big into porn as i once was
Greetings to Finland. :wave: Don't worry about your English. It's alright. :) Better than some guys from England or the USA that post here. :D ;)

I have a few TBs of porn since I keep everything I get. :o Don't have porn mags. Well only a couple Playboy and Penthouse mags.

Can't argue with that one, welcome

Videos - 250Gb

Nude Pics and etc - 82Gb

DVD's - 25
I have about....*counts*... A LOT!

Welcome to the FO board, Veke33! It is nice to see some fins here too :D
I have about 250GB, and that's after having deleted my collection about 2 or 3 times in my life. No physical porn though (Mags, DVDs, VHS).


Closed Account
3.8 TB and growing.


I'm so horny, even the crack of dawn isn't safe
Way too Much. I rent a storage locker.