There's not much meat in that word soup.
I knew you would answer me that
There's not much meat in that word soup.
Just see what a shithole became Illinois under Democrap management, enough to see what kind of cheapshot trash Democraps there are in that former Obammy state. No real employment, high crime, thugs, unwilling to work people, social security and health care leech offs and just worthless scum. Tell me also how well is doing Commiefornia under democraps during 30 years. Just mediocrity.
Pretty well. California has a $9 billion budget surplus under Jerry Brown.
Because of Silicon Valley billionaires. They’ll eventually leave too. It’s inevitable.Pretty well. California has a $9 billion budget surplus under Jerry Brown.
Finally , happy to read a wise comment from Sinema even though she is a Democrat
Kyrsten Sinema breaks from pack: ‘Soleimani was a terrorist … Iran’s aggression should be checked’
That's been the consistent position of every Democrat I've read that's offered an opinion, dude was a turd and deserved what he got. Sergio Siano summed it up on Twitter-
Dear Republican dipshits,
We know Soleimani was a murderer.
That's not our issue, and you know this.
Our issue is that Trump unilaterally committed
an egrigious act of war without the approval of congress.
He put our country at grave danger for no reason and for no gain. Fuck you
You preferred maybe when Obama exchanged Bowe Bergdahl for five Gitmo terrorists and gave 1 billion $ to Iran in cash, right?? Soleimani had to be removed.
Kyrsten Sinema Applauds Trump Tax Cuts While Other Democrats Sit Silently
Pretty sure filming someone without their consent in a public bathroom is illegal.She can’t even go to the bathroom in peace. Progressives want to see what is under the dress.
[How did 🐬 pull off such a logical post at #35?]
People are justifying it. Imagine the outrage if it were Trump’s supporters who barged in on her.Pretty sure filming someone without their consent in a public bathroom is illegal.
They could have just ambushed her just outside the bathroom. As cooky as she might be, I think this crossed the line of common decency.