Simi /Arwyn / Olivia / Simona

I don't know if this is true or not, but I found this information on on their Simi page under her photoset:

This busty babe has officially said that she has retired from hc even though some of our staff has been taking turns with Simi as an escort girl. Anyways, this is the laaaaast hc photoset she ever did, exclusively for us here at

So Simi could possibly be working in Eastern Europe as an escort. If anyone has any info on this I think it's worth finding out whether or not it's true. :D
I wasnt aware pornstars all had emails, im not sure who would want to give it out so readily especially to a newbie whose contirbuted nothing to the thread, just a thought.
If someone knows her e-mail or something, please write it. Thanks

She hasn't given it you yet?

The rest of us have had it for months:thumbsup: