silicon pennis...WTF????

I don't think I woman in the world would go near


:eek: :helpme: :wtf: :shocked:
Actually, his problem is very serious but he is willing to show us what and how it went wrong by injecting silicon in his penis.

There are probably hundreds and hundreds of men in mid-1990 before Viagra was introduced also injected another FDA-approved medication into their penis. It also caused fibrosis and many other side-effects.

But this man's problems included impotence, fibrosis of the penis, urinary incontinence and fluid around his testicles and possible increased risk of developing cancer !

He is laughing and thinks he is soooo smart to challenge the viewers but he is dying slowly probably of AIDS !
big penis is not a happiness by is the way you treat her....

that guy is really a sicko.
Did anyone also take note of his lips? They also looked like they had years of silicon treatment. Yeah that was sick though.


Retired Moderator
"Challenging people's ideas of what a penis should look like" :wtf:

Just another form of self-mutilation


Closed Account

Penis Thread Of The Week

I nominate this PTOTW, quality cock related dick material. Much better than the newbie wang threads.

I'd like to add that the subject of the video must get tons of gay sex
crimson joe said:
Did anyone also take note of his lips? They also looked like they had years of silicon treatment. Yeah that was sick though.
Yes i noticed the same thing...
So sick in his head to waste his penis...That's the most important part of my own body, FCS!
He should have put some silicon in his brain so he would take more intelligent decisions! LOL:wave: