Even if i google "shyla stylez 2013" there's no way i can find any recent pictures...:crying:
she seems to hiding lol. i can tell u that i respect her for all her porn work and for me she was the hottest pornstar of all the time but her personality...eh she making rumors about comeback from time to time in last 2 years and always end with nothing i actually lost cunt how many times she was almost back in last 2 years lol.... i actually got another info week ago from an industry person who is not lier that "she is going to shoot after that HIV thing end and all back to normal" but im not believe in that. it gonna end like always ending that we will see new escort banners of her on Eros Guide and she will not back.
im pretty sure that its just a game that she playing to get more money on escort. u know guys if there are rumors from time to time that she may back more escort clients booking her because these ppl think that if she want comeback it must means that she is still in great shape and look that good like in her porn work. i mean usually clients wont booking retired pornstars cuz they think that these girls not look that good anymore if thy not doing porn. so if she saying around that she may back it giving her more clients
she also playing the same way with escort agencies. if these agencies hearing about her coming back they want to have her exclusive and giving her better deals. if she would really want back to porn she would back already and shoot sometimes but if she playing like that she simply wont and its just a game. u guys should not keep ur fingers crossed that she ever shoot something. she is still young so will be playing that games for probably 3-4 more years to getting that much money from escort that can and then will gone for good even
from escort..
i will never post here anything about her comeback anymore because it make me look like a fool cuz it always end with nothing. its just a game... im just stupid because it took me 2 years to realize that