These two were taken shortly after I got her from the rescue. She's put on a little weight and looks much healthier now.
All of my dogs have been rescues ever since I was a little kid. Lac3y took a little bit of effort, though. I had to hire a courier to drive her from Denver to Las Vegas because airlines wouldn't let her fly in late summer due to the heat here. Best dog I've ever had. I'm getting her trained for search and rescue so we can volunteer with Red Cross to help out in emergencies.
Kudos to you for taking your pets from the rescue.
My doggies (all of them are females) from the left:
Sarinka - approx. 13 years old crossbreed, Lenka - 11 1/2 years old Sarinka's daughter, Anicka - 5 years old ex-racing greyhound from Ireland
Anicka looks naughty
Lac3y derping for the camera.