People who are in power usually choose bizarre and questionable means of exercising that power. A corporate person with hiring authority or a small business owner probably thinks he/she has the right to know everything about their prospective or current employees probably would want this pre-emptive testing ability.
People leave eyelashes and hair follicles all over the place at work anyway. The Corporate Fascist would only have to grab the janitor's vacuum bag.
See the movie "Gattaca" to get an idea of "the future".
I think Meester is on to something. There are certain jobs, like air pilot and surgeon where I would want to know a lot about the person doing the cutting or flying....fwiw.
People leave eyelashes and hair follicles all over the place at work anyway. The Corporate Fascist would only have to grab the janitor's vacuum bag.
See the movie "Gattaca" to get an idea of "the future".
I think Meester is on to something. There are certain jobs, like air pilot and surgeon where I would want to know a lot about the person doing the cutting or flying....fwiw.