should we castrate sex offenders?!?!


Believer In GregCentauro
part of me says it would be a great fucking solution for some of those dirtbags, but the reality is that we are past the days of this type of shit...arent we?...

I guess if the proposed study proves effectiveness in this type of procedure, could we really argue against it considering the alternative (repeat violence, ruined innocent lives)?

I dunno...I think its pretty inhumane, but we do it to animals all the time, and in my opinion dogs are on a higher level than repeat violent sex offenders...very unlikely but...whaddya think.


Christa Omalley RN
If you molest a child or the elderly I'm for it!:eeew:
id say if you molest ANYBODY, your candidacy is valid.

Give the offender the option, either a very very long sentence or a reduced sentence (still long depending on the crime) if you ask for castration.


Official Checked Star Member
it's been proven that there is no cure for pedophilia so why bother with any of it. I say we get biblical on these people and practice the ol' eye for an eye and do unto others as you would have them do unto you and put them all in general population in the most violent ward of every prison and have them molested and raped to death. fuck them. but since the bleeding hearts of the world will never allow that to happen I say we castrate them and then lock them up so that way they can't get off in prison while they are being butt fucked nightly.

Jon S.

If the sex offender was driven by sexual urges &/or sex drive....then yes I would be for it! I would also ask if you really mean castration (which is the removal of the testes) or if you mean emasculation, which is the removal of EVERYTHING!?!?

I actually have a Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice (Penn State), so I have some genuine imput to add to the subject. As sex offenders are often driven by the desire to hurt....rather than an actual sex drive....or by sex for that matter....castration would have little if any impact in the majority of sex offender cases! It's important to understand & recognize that a large number of sex offenders, and thus sex crimes themselves, are driven by hate & the desire to hurt! Nothing short of a full frontal lobotomy will deal with that successfully.....certainly not castration! Castration will stifle the sex drive....but not the urge to hurt others!

As Mariah touched on, there really isn't any known CURE for most types of sex offenders (as it is a broad area). If someone is really driven by sex & their sex drive, treatment might be possible. Otherwise, there is very little that can be done....short of turning the person into a vegetable.....or keeping them locked up....which are two entirely different topics altogether!

In short, castration, though it might have some success on a case by case basis, it would hardly be a cure all by any stretch of the imagination


They should have to wear a satellite monitored shock collar.... step outside of your boundary or violate a predetermined curfew and ZAP!!

Thank You very much!


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Repeat offenders for rape, paedophilia, sexual assault and murder (on different occasions - if a guy is accused of raping 3 gals in one night then it may be a false accusation or he may simply have been out of his mind on substances and wouldn't do it again. Not that I'm saying being out of ya mind on substances is a valid excuse for such actions) should be eliminated from society with either life imprisonment (if we can't bring ourselves to use the death penalty) or death. Or make them usefull and use them for organ transplants/medical experiments.

Another thing we need to do is get tougher on prisoners. Here in Britain we actually paid some prisoners compensation for releasing them early.
And no; I'm NOT making it up.
Having more prisons would help - we really need to build more so we can make the law stick. As it is, I'm considering starting a life of crime (theft, NOT murder or sexual assault, before anybody says it) and I'm not criminal by nature.
No one has the right to mutilate another person so the answer is no.

Besides...most sex offenders aren't motivated by their cock. It's about domination and forcing themself on someone. If they don't have a hard cock to force into a woman, they'll use something else.

it's been proven that there is no cure for pedophilia so why bother with any of it. I say we get biblical on these people and practice the ol' eye for an eye and do unto others as you would have them do unto you and put them all in general population in the most violent ward of every prison and have them molested and raped to death. fuck them. but since the bleeding hearts of the world will never allow that to happen I say we castrate them and then lock them up so that way they can't get off in prison while they are being butt fucked nightly.

I think some of them might be "born that way," such as pedophiles and even serial rapists (think Alfonso Rodriguez/Dru Sjodin). The question is, then, should'nt we just give them lobotomies? Of course we should cut their peckers off, but I wonder if they are so damaged upstairs that that would be an additional option.

Ike Stain

Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
If you molest a child or the elderly I'm for it!:eeew:

Wait- are you saying you're for molesting a child or the elderly?

I'm confused.


it's been proven that there is no cure for pedophilia so why bother with any of it. I say we get biblical on these people and practice the ol' eye for an eye and do unto others as you would have them do unto you and put them all in general population in the most violent ward of every prison and have them molested and raped to death. fuck them. but since the bleeding hearts of the world will never allow that to happen I say we castrate them and then lock them up so that way they can't get off in prison while they are being butt fucked nightly.



Official Checked Star Member
Pedophiles usually abuse for the mental satisfaction, rather than sexual. So lopping off their penor and balls probably wouldn't stop them from abusing again, because its something that goes deeper than getting a sexual thrill. The only way to rid the world of pedo's and rapists is to just wipe them out entirely. Victims tend to grow up to become abusers, and by ridding the world of molestors, we're lowering the number of people being abused. Think of how many victims you could save if predators weren't released back into society and were just executed instead.
it's been proven that there is no cure for pedophilia so why bother with any of it. I say we get biblical on these people and practice the ol' eye for an eye and do unto others as you would have them do unto you and put them all in general population in the most violent ward of every prison and have them molested and raped to death. fuck them. but since the bleeding hearts of the world will never allow that to happen I say we castrate them and then lock them up so that way they can't get off in prison while they are being butt fucked nightly.

I tend to agree. They stalk and prey upon the weak and defenseless. Let them endure what it's like to be weak, preyed upon and defenseless. But I don't think we ought to be mutilating people as that is unconstitutional.

But there's nothing in the constitution that says they deserve extra protection because of their crimes.