Nattering Nabob of Negativism

Elisjsha Dicken is the hero.
A preliminary investigation indicated that the 27-year-old instructed his child to shoot at officers, police said.
Sadly, probably more then just him. In this country, in other countries, like Somalia and Uganda, and Afghanistan, it's probably pretty common.Who the fuck teaches a 4 year old how to shoot a gun, let alone condition them to actually shoot at people??‘Exhibitionist’ shot dead ‘by nudist’ on French naturist beach
A man who allegedly performed a sex act in front of a woman on a nudist beach in France has been shot dead by a fellow beachgoer.
The 46-year-old exhibitionist was gunned down at 'La Mama' beach in the Grand parc Miribel-Jonage on the outskirts of Lyon around 10:30am local time on Saturday morning.
The shooter, a 76-year-old nudist, reportedly took umbrage with the man who had shouted insults at the beachgoers and then began pleasuring himself while staring at another woman, according to French police.
After the two men got into an argument and the 46-year-old refused to take the discussion elsewhere, the elderly bather drew a hunting rifle from his pack and fired 'at least three shots', one of which hit his target in the chest.
France3 later reported the shooter was an avid hunter who had a firearm licence, though it was unclear why he had taken the gun to the beach.
Police who arrived on the scene shortly after the shooting said the septuagenarian gave himself up without resistance and did not deny the shooting.
The victim meanwhile was pronounced dead at the scene by emergency services.
The shooter was examined by doctors on Saturday evening to determine whether his age may preclude him from being taken into custody, but he was ultimately declared fit by medical personnel and detained.
France3 said the 76-year-old is a sports shooter whose weapon is legally registered, but that his permit does not allow him to carry the weapon around in public freely.
An murder inquiry has been launched and officers from gendarmerie of Trévoux are now investigating the incident.
The victim is believed to have lived in the city of Lyon and had made the short trip to visit the beach on Saturday morning, though it is unclear whether he was a regular at the popular naturist spot.
And even fewer people are able to conceal a hunting rifle in a backpack that doesn't draw attention.A hunting rifle from his backpack? Not many people carry around a hunting rifle.
It doesn't take but a second to put 2 pieces together. usually they lock together automatically and need a release button to come apart. But depending on their laws, a lever action, with a 16 1/2" barrel, isn't really that long, about 40", but it would be noticeable, if someone were paying attention.And even fewer people are able to conceal a hunting rifle in a backpack that doesn't draw attention.
It's not indicated that he assembled the rifle, and I doubt someone would hang around while a guy you pissed off was putting together his rifle.
Come to think of it, the story doesn't say anything about it being loaded. I would presume no civilian walking in the city carries a cocked & loaded rifle in his backpack - so did the wanker just stand by while the pissed off old guy loaded his rifle?
I wouldn't trust the medias on such detail. french article don't mention the rifle being in a back pack. Some say the man went to his car and picked the rifle from the trunk, others say he had it among his hings on that beach...A hunting rifle from his backpack? Not many people carry around a hunting rifle. I have to wonder if this has been going on, and the shooter was just a little fed up, and decided to handle it himself.
I have a lot of friends that hunt, and while most of this states hunting seasons are in cold weather, not one of them, has ever gone out, come back empty handed, and decided to do anything more then warm up, and have a few cold ones. Nor do they do some activity in the morning, and go into the woods later in the day.
Murder = Up to 30 years of criminal imprisonment, depending on the circumstancesWell either way, if he brought the gun to the beach, that shows intent, and it's worse if he did go to his car, because that shows premeditation. I don't know how you do things over there, but premeditation, is about as bad as it gets, under the various degrees of murder. First thing is, are any animals in season? If not, why has he got a rifle. I still think this sounds a little shady.
So this guy took the time to go all the way to McDs just to shoot this poor worker. There's your example of premeditated murder.The shooting occurred around 7 p.m. on Aug. 1 outside a Brooklyn McDonald's on Fulton Street in Bedford-Stuyvesant. According to sources, a woman was angry that her fries were cold and approached a worker, identified as Matthew Webb, and started arguing with him.
The woman was reportedly FaceTiming her son at the time, and he is accused of stopping by the restaurant later on and shooting Webb in the neck.
Yes, it is. But it doesn't change my opinions about the French incident. It might be far more cut and dry with the McD's story, but premeditation, planning, all of these things came in many different forms, depending on how creative the murderer is,McDonald’s worker in NYC dies after being shot in neck over cold fries
So this guy took the time to go all the way to McDs just to shoot this poor worker. There's your example of premeditated murder.
Just another law-abiding citizen exercising his right to bear arms in order to secure a free state.McDonald’s worker in NYC dies after being shot in neck over cold fries
So this guy took the time to go all the way to McDs just to shoot this poor worker. There's your example of premeditated murder.
Are you fucking kidding me?!?! You've been paying to much attention to a couple of other clueless dumbasses around here. First of all, the guy was 20, under the age to own a hand gun. Secondly, he was in new york, they have carry laws. Thirdly, he has a record for violent crime, so even if he was old enough, he would be excluded from owning a gun. So basically, you're just wrong, and it's obvious by your comment, that you don't think anyone should be allowed to defend themselves. We should all be helpless little puppies, relying on our leaders to keep us secure. The same group of people that are either vicious racist murderers, or the pigs that allegedly lead us in washington? Maybe you should put the blame where it belongs. Maybe the liberal, democratic pussies, that have a revolving door justice system, that makes excuse for these vile little rats, and slaps them on the wrist. If this piece of fucking human garbage would have been in prison, where he should have been, this might not have happened. If the McDonalds that employed him, had any concern for their employees, knowing they are in a shithole city and state, would hire security to protect workers, and patrons, this little cunt might be dead right now, which is where the pig deserves to be, and an already fucked up shit show city, would be able to save a few bucks.Just another law-abiding citizen exercising his right to bear arms in order to secure a free state.
I thought it was a 'given' for me. The 2A was originally intended to prevent the government from infringing on the rights of citizens. We only hear of citizen-on-citizen violence (excepting when law enforcement is involved) now.gmase, do you need to borrow the sarcasm alert?
I do believe citizens should be able to defend themselves. Guns are not going anywhere. I refuse to join the spiral though - which is my right - and I do not feel helpless at's obvious by your comment, that you don't think anyone should be allowed to defend themselves. We should all be helpless little puppies, relying on our leaders to keep us secure.
I blame the muderer who couldn't control his impulses and anger - and possessed a gun.The same group of people that are either vicious racist murderers, or the pigs that allegedly lead us in washington? Maybe you should put the blame where it belongs. Maybe the liberal, democratic pussies, that have a revolving door justice system, that makes excuse for these vile little rats, and slaps them on the wrist. If this piece of fucking human garbage would have been in prison, where he should have been, this might not have happened.
Again, it is the murderer.If the McDonalds that employed him, had any concern for their employees, knowing they are in a shithole city and state, would hire security to protect workers, and patrons, this little cunt might be dead right now, which is where the pig deserves to be, and an already fucked up shit show city, would be able to save a few bucks.