Should sagging pants be outlawed?


Torn & Frayed.

My complaint is that the gangsters of the twenties, thirties, and forties wore suits.......the "gangsters" these days look like they just piled out of a clown car.

That used to bother me also,and then I learned to categorize them separately:

Old school "gangsters".....too many to name..

...and "gangstas" (even my FireFox spell-check says it's spelled wrong)

I've even been known to correct people.....
Looks kinda douche but then again you can point and laugh at the people who wear them so at least they fill some sort of purpose :)


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
I say no, if people want to look stupid let them.
uhh yes why you gotta wear that shti around yuor ankles i dont wanna see your butt gurl you dont wash that shit enough i can see pieces of what you ate


Closed Account
Oh wow. Just tonight I was walking out the College behind some dude wearing his bermuda/boxer shorts with the seat literally around his calves. What's up with that?

What IS up with that? I was wondering whether he is going to style hair one day in a salon looking like that. Mind you I guess now is the last time he'll be able to dress like this everyday, but still.

It is weird.

Long trousers with the seat down low, sometimes real low. And now shorts. It is really hilarious.

Do they have to let that trouser snake hang or what?
If saggy pants are outlawed then only outlaws will have saggy pants.

"They can prise my saggy pants from my cold dead ass" ..... Beezer D, president of the NSPA