Should sagging pants be outlawed?

I don't think so. If someone wants to wear their pants like that, let them.
I was surprised with some people saying they should be outlawed because they don't want to see peoples underwear, but these are also the same people who want women to be able to go topless:confused:
So what do y'all think.
Kill 'Em All

Not in a free society.
They already are outlawed, in schools. Part of the California public school dress code is that no sagging pants are allowed.

I think they look ridiculous and make the wearer look like someone whose mother never taught him how to dress himself. On the other hand, they could come in handy if you were to shit yourself...

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Hell NO! When some idiot is trying to run away from the police while wearing clown pants they almost invariably trip while their pants fall down around their ankles and that is some funny shit right there.
lol I thought the thread title said "Should saggy tits be outlawed?"

I've been spending too much time on Freeones.


If your white and from Kansas YES you nowhere near the ghetto. If you live in Compton, Ca then go for it
It makes me laugh ever time I see some idiot trying to look cool while holding up his pants with one of his free hands.

You can't ban saggy pants.......It brings me too much joy laughing at the morons wearing them.
I buy my clothes 2 sizes bigger because its hot as fuck where i live. Definitely too hot to be wearing some nut huggers. Even if it wasnt hot though, I still wouldnt wear clothes that are my size. They just dont feel right. There is no reason to NOT have some wiggle room.

and lol at the dude that said should sagging tits be outlawed. I just glanced at the topic and thats what I thought it said too.
If you want to look like a total douche who am I to stop you?

Plus as johnnystyro said, it can make for entertaining chases.
No, if only for entertainment value. Its hilarious watching those saggers trying to walk or run in pants down at their ankles.
No. What do you ban next? Hats backwards or at an angle? Sports jerseys? Gold chains and watches? Gold teeth?

There have always been people in every generation who look foolish and strange to other members of society. There always will be these people. Even if everyone had to wear the same uniform (think The Handmaid's Tale), people would still find a way to wear said uniform in such a way that it distinguished them from the masses.

My complaint is that the gangsters of the twenties, thirties, and forties wore suits.......the "gangsters" these days look like they just piled out of a clown car.

If you want to instill fear in the rest of society, couldn't you do it with a little more class, or is that asking too much?
I think they're great, one of many indicators that can be used to know you're looking at an idiot.