Should Phone Books/Yellow Pages go away?

Do you still use phone books?

  • Yes, I use phone books and/or Yellow Pages

    Votes: 8 36.4%
  • No, I don't use either

    Votes: 13 59.1%
  • I don't give a flying fuck either way, you dumb bastard.

    Votes: 1 4.5%

  • Total voters


knows petras secret: she farted.
this and junk mail needa hit the road.

thanks god they finally implemented a recycling program here. i didnt have the heart to throw the phones books away so i had a pretty big collection until recently. never used them, that is, unless i was starting the grill.

threw em all in the recycle bin. i think i had 10 or so.


Closed Account
That's what handguns are for.


Handguns will get you time in prison... a phonebook doesnt leave much of a mark, plus they´ll spread the word to stay the fuck away from the psycho...


We need a poll on people who phrase a thread question and then phrase the question for the poll that the thread is about in such a way that the responder is giving the exact opposite answer that he thought he was giving.

That would be cool. :doa82:


Major Crimes? Shiiiit.
The only reason I see for producing them is for people that are computer illitereate and well to keep people employed. Otherwise for the most part it is a waste.


For the EMPEROR!!
They really are a waste, but a lot of people still don't have the internet. Personally, I only use the Yellow Pages once in a blue moon and then it's only a Local Yellow Pages, which is a small suburban one.

and junk mail needa hit the road.

You're not wrong. The amount I receive is unbelievable.

Damn letterbox is always full of that crap.
We go through a shitload at the hotel. Out of towners don't want to use long distance data or calls to find some pizza or whatever. Phone books still have their use, but we could probably do without 500 million of them.
I was reading the phone book the other day. Mr. Zuniga did it!

Drum roll, please!


Thank you! Thank you! I'll be here all week! Try the veal!

In a more serious note, I do remember back in high school when a phone book was the only means I had to stalk the girls. If I knew her address, I'd find her number. If I knew her number, I'd find her address. But it would take a shitload of time, especially for common names like Gonzalez, Rodriguez, Garcia, Lopez, etc.