Should North America adopt a single cell phone charger standard ?


Now that I think about it, it's the cordless tool power packs that seem to aggravate me the most as each unit has to employ the use of it's own charger type... most of the time anyway. There are some mix - n- match power pack compatibles, but it's dumb luck when I run into the situation. I wish that the mfgrs of professional use power tools would assemble and do the right thing for their customers, it'd make my life much less stressful. :)
Hell, I have Bosch, Makita, Dewalt, Porter Cable, Milwaukee and SKIL cordless tools, approximately 40 of ' em, in 9.6 volt, 12 v., 14.4v and 18 v. I'm certain that, in spite of the voltage differences of these tools there could be one charger in 18 volt and simply regulate the voltages at the point of charge (tool internal).
they should make them solar powered and have a built in crank so you can charge it by hand as some flashlights and radios that I've seen sold at Target

I caught a glimpse if I remember correctly a pic of an Itouch being charged by an actual apple.
I simply do not want a cell phone. Everyone I know who owns a cell phone, once it rings they always say something along the line of: Crap, damn it, ah, this phone does not stop ringing, and/or I'm sick of this phone.

Who knows, perhaps one day I will get one.... maybe.

Mine comes equipped with an on/off switch so I can get rid of the nuisance side.I do though find the phone amazingly useful.I also of course have the camera and video functions and use them surprisingly often.

As to the uniform charger issue , of course it should happen.You have uniform domestic plugs and sockets don't you?
Duh! A single standard equals socialism. Every American citizen is entitled to his / her own cell phone standard. I'll shoot everyone who disputes this notion.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Fuck you all. The moment you Americans create a single cell phone charger, us Canadians will come up with a better one. You can't make us charge our phones the way you want us to! You don't run the world!
I have a shitload and a half different phone chargers that I've gotten with my phones and/or Bluetooth devices. I have no use for the vast majority of them. Every time I get a new device I have to spend money on a car and a land charger. I'm getting pretty fucking sick of it. I think we should have just one kind of charger instead of each device having its own charger. It's quite a waste of money.
Fuck you all. The moment you Americans create a single cell phone charger, us Canadians will come up with a better one. You can't make us charge our phones the way you want us to! You don't run the world!

If anyone sets a standard, it will probably be Nokia.