should i use a sniffer?

out of 16 responses only 1 person had anthing for me,huh,maybe if i get another 16 people judging me,i might get another 1 person willing to help.

guess thats how it works!

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Well... I mean, you are asking people to help you potentially break the law. :dunno:

Call me old fashioned, but why not just ask him? Does he even think of you as his "girlfriend"? Does he think that he should be exclusive to you? I have a gal-pal, a "friend with benefits"... and we're not a boyfriend/girlfriend couple. Who I go out with is my business and who she goes out with is her business. If she ever gets weird like this, I'll put an end to the whole thing in 30 seconds or less.

Laws are different from state to state. And I don't know your situation. But you should be aware of the 911 call that might go out (or the civil suit) if you get caught. That's all.
One word, hypocrite. You divorced the guy and now wanna get back with him, youve slept with him but arent together, you were open in the past (but still got divorced), you arent together but care who he sleeps with - even though you dont care, you wanna invade his privacy and not get caught.

You already look like a fool, dont make it worse.
out of 16 responses only 1 person had anthing for me,huh,maybe if i get another 16 people judging me,i might get another 1 person willing to help.

guess thats how it works!

Well some here are judging, some are advising. Because you included the details of why you needed the should be common sense that people are going to respond with advice about the circumstances too.

You want to get information in order to avoid looking like a fool. Some here have offered you alternative ways of accomplishing both goals..

IMO, those people ought to be thanked for even taking the time to add their advice to your thread. Not berated.:2 cents:
One word, hypocrite. You divorced the guy and now wanna get back with him, youve slept with him but arent together, you were open in the past (but still got divorced), you arent together but care who he sleeps with - even though you dont care, you wanna invade his privacy and not get caught.

You already look like a fool, dont make it worse.

Now i know why you all have high post totals, Because you dont read well and you post nothing but to blow the guy who posted above you.Hypocrite? If you read my posts you would know that i dont care if he sleeps with other girls.Instead of just posting "your words of wisdom(not so much)" to run up your post totals so you can bid on the auctions, maybe if you took a second and read.Hmmm,

PS i never said i divorced him, we got divorced.
being open in the past had nothing to do with the divorce

if you cant post an inteligent response to my questions, you just post your opinions of me?
If you cant help then dont help, but dont judge me, you really dont know much about the whole situation

Still , thanks to the one person with an answer

mod might as well close this one as its just a thread for bashing me and running up post totals!!!!!!!!!!!!
Er, nobody here is judging "you" they are making an informed judgement on one paragraph of information.

for instance.

I've been dating this Austrian guy with a little moustache. When we're together he is really sweet and attentive. He loves dogs and we are both vegetarian and love the hollywood movies. When he goes off with his guy friends he gets really angry and starts making big threats to whole loads of people. Should I keep dating him?

And that is what the people here would relate to my dear Eva.
Er, nobody here is judging "you" they are making an informed judgement on one paragraph of information.

for instance.

I've been dating this Austrian guy with a little moustache. When we're together he is really sweet and attentive. He loves dogs and we are both vegetarian and love the hollywood movies. When he goes off with his guy friends he gets really angry and starts making big threats to whole loads of people. Should I keep dating him?

And that is what the people here would relate to my dear Eva.


oranges have no doors and the tea in a hot mug stays warm
Now i know why you all have high post totals, Because you dont read well and you post nothing but to blow the guy who posted above you.Hypocrite? If you read my posts you would know that i dont care if he sleeps with other girls.Instead of just posting "your words of wisdom(not so much)" to run up your post totals so you can bid on the auctions, maybe if you took a second and read.Hmmm,

PS i never said i divorced him, we got divorced.
being open in the past had nothing to do with the divorce

if you cant post an inteligent response to my questions, you just post your opinions of me?
If you cant help then dont help, but dont judge me, you really dont know much about the whole situation

Still , thanks to the one person with an answer

mod might as well close this one as its just a thread for bashing me and running up post totals!!!!!!!!!!!!

You dont care if he sleeps with other girls, yet say you want to be the only girlfriend, is this insane jealousy of other women in general or do you want to be his designated cock warmer?

For someone who doesnt care a whole lot you are going to awfully lengthy extremes to monitor his activities. What are you scared of "getting fucked over" with exactly. You touch on this very lightly. Okay his internet activites of what he surf for doesnt concern, what the man does in his own net time is his own business, you gonna get up tight because he suddenly develops a fetish for videos with a woman blowing a guy while he strangling a german alsatian? No. You wanna make sure he isnt looking to get into other womens pants, which in turn means you do care, so dont get all preachy saying "I dont care" when you quite clearly do.

Who divorced who is immaterial, fact is your marriage obviously didnt work for some reason so severe as to end a 10 year relationship. I read your post quite clearly and the fact is it not one ounce of it sits in your favour.

Your upset because while one person may have advocated your actions, your just pissed off cause the rest of us didnt tell you what you wanna hear. Truth hurts doesnt it? Close the thread, please do, you havent recieved the go ahead you wanted from the board, so you dont need it anymore.

You wanna open up as broad a discussion on this on a board like that, you gotta expect to open pandoras box and not throw a tantrum because it doesnt instantly go your way.
You dont care if he sleeps with other girls, yet say you want to be the only girlfriend, is this insane jealousy of other women in general or do you want to be his designated cock warmer?

For someone who doesnt care a whole lot you are going to awfully lengthy extremes to monitor his activities. What are you scared of "getting fucked over" with exactly. You touch on this very lightly. Okay his internet activites of what he surf for doesnt concern, what the man does in his own net time is his own business, you gonna get up tight because he suddenly develops a fetish for videos with a woman blowing a guy while he strangling a german alsatian? No. You wanna make sure he isnt looking to get into other womens pants, which in turn means you do care, so dont get all preachy saying "I dont care" when you quite clearly do.

Who divorced who is immaterial, fact is your marriage obviously didnt work for some reason so severe as to end a 10 year relationship. I read your post quite clearly and the fact is it not one ounce of it sits in your favour.

Your upset because while one person may have advocated your actions, your just pissed off cause the rest of us didnt tell you what you wanna hear. Truth hurts doesnt it? Close the thread, please do, you havent recieved the go ahead you wanted from the board, so you dont need it anymore.

You wanna open up as broad a discussion on this on a board like that, you gotta expect to open pandoras box and not throw a tantrum because it doesnt instantly go your way.

again another post to your total , i dont care who he fucks but i want to know if hes doing more than that with another girl. Sex is sex and we were open about that before so who cares,its only sex.Now falling in love is obviously differant.

Please read before lighting up your post totals

and lmao i said weve been apart for 10 years not a 10 year relationship
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Fine then, lets clarify, how long were you together, married for that is? And what do two consider yourself as, couple, roomies, what?
"maybe if u are close to london ontario we (me and bf) can meet up for drinks or something
i like boys and girls and i think he does too(but he wont admit it lol) "

What happened to the boyfriend you had? Was he comfortable with your ex husband moving in

You dont like me, thats clear, let me be equally as honest, I think your full of shit.
From your original post I gather you've been fucking your ex on occasion and you're now thinking about taking it further if not rekindling the old flame.

However, you want to make sure he's not fucking chicks he claims to merely be friends with before you do so.

The method you've chosen to be a way of determining this is to monitor his web activity. Which I take to mean recovering the passwords to his various social networking tools (email, facebook, myspace, etc.) then gaining access to his personal messages. Or worse, access to his financial accounts and records to determine how their use may be linked to his fooling around.

Let's assume you get access to all of these things.While you may learn some things about his activities if you learn nothing new that's still not determinative as to whether or not he's fucking around with his (girl) friends.

You assert that you've fucked him on 4 occasions if I'm not mistaken and that other women are fairly attracted to him. Common sense would tell me he's likely fucking somebody else. Unless you believe your cookie is so good that 4 times in 10 years is enough to tide him over.

So unless he's told or is telling you something specific about the nature your relationship moving forward, how can you judge his actions at this stage of your relationship? He may simply be telling you he's not fucking around with them because he may deem it to be none of your business at this point even if he does want to be more serious with you. He may also not want to tell you the truth about the nature of his other relationships out of fear that if he does become more serious with you again, his other relationships may not be able to coexist with the relationship you two rekindle.

I would say take a more moral, ethical and trustworthy approach to this. You'll get better, more accurate information than filching his private accounts for evidence that may invariably come across out of context in any event.

This is all I have left to add to this thread. As far as key loggers and the like, I'd have to defer to some of the other users here as I obviously don't have a use for them.

There is a member "Shayd" who would appear to be pretty astute on a matter like key loggers.:2 cents:
lol mods close this thread, i will get my answers elsewhere

I hope you're not offended by this advice but I think you'll need to PM one of the mods to close this thread.
Oh look... another post to my total... :rubbel:

In the future don't ask dumb questions about illegal spyware programs when you can't even ask your ex a straight answer.

Here is my dilemma.
Ive been divorced from my ex for 10 years now and weve always stayed friends,helping each other out and stuff like that.The past year, he has been renting the mother-in-law suite from me and we have been getting along even better than when we were married.We flirt with each other quite often and have had sex 4 times since he moved into my place.
Now, for the past little bit we have been talking and hinting around at getting back together full time.The problem is that he likes to go out every weekend with his friends and there are alot of girls in his circle of friends that like him.

Ok... well atm you two aren't officially back together so he can still go out and talk to people.

His computer is hooked up with wireless internet through my wireless router and im wondering if i should put a sniffer or keylogger onto his computer,just to make sure im not getting fucked over.I really dont care about his internet activities as i am probably as perverted if not more than him.I just want to keep an eye on his conversations with his girl-pals to make sure that i am the only girlfriend.

So are you in a relationship or not? You said you hinted about getting back together and yet he still goes out every night. Sometimes people have flings. Maybe you should... ummm... I don't know... Actually TALK with each other about your relationship, if there is one, and not act like a bunch of teenagers and play stupid love games. Don't do anything illegal. Sit down with him and ask him some questions. If he doesn't give you a straight answer then don't get involve with him.

I can see why yor getting frustrated with some of the responses hear. Its very clear to me atleast that she has NO issue with him being with other girls currently but wants to know if there is anyone else so she doesnt get hurt by potentially going into a relationship.

Onto your question, i dont think its a good idea really. I would take the advice of gameboy when he says to talk to him about your feelings, it generally tends to be the best way. I have contemplated with the idea of trying to see if someone was lying to me (about having a serious illness) after alot of things not adding up and i was proved right in the end, but i'm still glad i didnt take that route

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.

Ask him an honest question? Or set up a bunch of illegal shit on his computer? Hmm.

Yeah, quite a dilemma, huh? :D

Say, while we're on the subject, there's this 19 year old girl who rents one of my apartments. I have a no smoking clause in my rental contracts there. Just to make sure she's not smoking, can anyone suggest a good hidden camera system that I can setup in her bedroom and uh... the bathroom (she might try to smoke in the shower, ya know)? I don't want to see her luscious, firm & perky C cup (I'm guessing) tits or that bare, round, heart-shaped ass of hers. I just want to protect my property from smoke damage. Any suggestions? And don't you bastards judge me! This is purely for reasons of uh... the health & welfare of my future tenants... yeah, that's it. BTW, a camera with a zoom and pan feature would be nice. flylicker