Aight, as ya'll know I couldnt get a job for ages. Then I got 2 writing jobs which is great. Except I started a PhD concurrently, which is cool and all but I cant be bothered with it.
I could take 4 years and work really slowly towards a Mphil (lesser research degree) ore just pack it in.
IIRC, you were a foreign relations and history major, would that be correct?
If correct, it would seem to me that a foreign relations type of degree would be essential in todays job market, are you inflexible about relocation?
Anyway, I'd cut it off and be proud of your current achievements. The older you get the faster the years pass, before you know it, you'll be forty years old . . . I know, you've heard it all before but it's the damned truth!
Go out and live the rest of your life as an independent man!
Sever the tethers! Time is a tickin away! :nanner: