Should I Delete My Porn?


cindy CD/TV

:dito: No! Oh, hell no, man! :) These fellows are right, you don't need LESS porn, you need MORE space for MORE porn. That's what I did ... :o:computer:
no, just burn it on dvd or buy an external hdd where you can save it.

Connor Macleod

Staff member
Good advice, All.
Does an external hard drive just plug into one of the USB ports and run on AC power?

Yes, the external HD's are the answer. I have 2 of them A 1-Terabyte and a 2-Terabyte. Both are USB and they're good, but the downside is transferring data to the drives is somewhat slow. If you have a lot that needs to be transferred, you're probably better off getting a firewire instead of USB, because you could end up spending several hours transferring via USB.
Yeah. The two options are:
  1. 1 cable total: connects to USB only and supplies power from computer
  2. 2 cables total: 1 cable connects to USB and 1 cable connects to wall outlet/surge protector

I prefer the first option, so I have less things to lose, and less clutter under my desk.

I prefer the later because they run about 30% less, come in larger sizes (and don't strain my laptop's power supply).
If you have a Fry's Electronics nearby or want to go internet, they have a 1T on sale now for $50. I bought a 2T a few days ago for $80. (BTW I took about 16 hours to transfer 900G from my full old 1T to the new 2T, but I could still work on the computer while it happened.)


are you talking to me?
make a clearance of stuff that you don't like anymore and keep the valuable
you could get a program to burn them to dvds so you could watch them on your tv (via dvd player obviously), depending on how many hours of porn you got that could be a lot of dvds tho :D
Don't delete your porn stuff! My HD crashed once. It was and it still is horrible.
I remember pics and vids that I really loved and I can't find them anywhere anymore.

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
Delete porn?! :eek: Those two words should never be used in one sentence! :mad:

My laptop only has 320 GB and it's all full. And I still can't delete any of my porn. I can't even delete the stuff I'm not into, because there may be a time where I want to watch it! That's why I have some external hdds. They're great! :) I rather deleted some of my old music from my laptop since I have it on cds somewhere. :o

cindy CD/TV

Deleting Porn is a sin!!!

what he said!! :dito::yesyes:

It's sooo hard to pick and choose what I like and what to throw away, because I only download stuff I like .... and I like A LOT of stuff :)