Should I call Bullshit on this??

Ok there is a guy I work with, this guy tend to 'exaggerate' about everything he has done or has owned. Everyone jokes about him at work because we all know hes lying and we really don't wanna tell him he is lying because his tall tales does help the night go by faster and we all worry he may go postal and we don't wanna be the person to put him over the edge!

But last Friday he was bragging the whole night that he is going down to SoCal to audition at Vivid!! I was like WTF because this guy looks like the love baby between Elmer Fudd and Lee Harvey Oswald! Its not like he is any good physical shape either (rolly polly)!

So do I tell him he is full of shit and wear a bullet proof vest the next night I go into work or just let him continue living this fantasy he is living in his head!

Also if anyone is in the know maybe they can shine some sort of distant light on this! lol



My Penis Is Dancing!
Nah, just inform him that you are a huge Vivid fan and ask him politely to get a couple of autographs from some of their stars for you.
man, I think I worked with somebody like that!!

I say put your phone on record and tell him he's full of shit, fat and ugly.

Nah, just inform him that you are a huge Vivid fan and ask him politely to get a couple of autographs from some of their stars for you.

This is a good way to call bullshit without actually saying it! a subtle way of calling him out on his shananagins, but also You Might just get an autograph out of the deal too!
I hate people like this. I worked with a guy who said he was drafted by the Bruins but hurt his knee. He also lived with Ben Affleck before he got famous.

Just straight up call him out on it.
try asking him if he can hook you up and everytime after that when he exaggerates again, keep asking him for the hook up. worse comes to worse you get the best pussy of your life.
I know plenty of people like this, Bullshiters are taking over the world. Call him out on it for sure.

On another note someone can audition all they want but doesnt mean they will get hired :2 cents:


Closed Account
Every workplace has one. Just consider it comic relief.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Write a message to Roald, he has some contacts at Vivid, if I am remembering correctly.

Give the guy the email adress, and ask him to go right ahead, but beg him he should bring a copy from the audition tape to work :)
I work with someone who is the same way. Almost everything he says is an exaggeration, if not outright bullshit.

We know he's full of shit because he doesn't have the common sense to tell the same lies consistently to different people, so my coworkers and I will exchange stories of how he has said 2 different stories (both wildly unbelievable) about the same situation.

We've determined that, as tempting as it might be, we shouldn't call him out on that shit because we're having more fun making fun of him behind his back than we would making a fool of him to his face.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Sadly his friend got the address wrong and ended up at the Blue Oyster from Police Academy.
This guy clearly doesn't have much going for him, so let him live up his lie while he can. Also an audition doesn't mean much, so I guess just wish him luck. If it turns out to be true I would be nice to him to get free shit haha.
You should just go ahead and call bullshit on this, because it's eventually going to get to the point where someone is going to get tired of all the empty boasting that amounts to a big steaming pile of dookie.

However, if you in some ways enjoy the tales he conjures up for pure entertainment value, you should have mentioned that since he apparently has no issues getting an erection with a room full of male strangers, going gay-for-pay is another option. Feed his ego by telling him he can be the next Jeff Stryker! Atleast it will give him something to fantasize about when he's off the clock and in someone's basement.


Pucker Up Butter Cup.
Ok there is a guy I work with, this guy tend to 'exaggerate' about everything he has done or has owned. Everyone jokes about him at work because we all know hes lying and we really don't wanna tell him he is lying because his tall tales does help the night go by faster and we all worry he may go postal and we don't wanna be the person to put him over the edge!

But last Friday he was bragging the whole night that he is going down to SoCal to audition at Vivid!! I was like WTF because this guy looks like the love baby between Elmer Fudd and Lee Harvey Oswald! Its not like he is any good physical shape either (rolly polly)!

So do I tell him he is full of shit and wear a bullet proof vest the next night I go into work or just let him continue living this fantasy he is living in his head!

Also if anyone is in the know maybe they can shine some sort of distant light on this! lol


I have a friend like that who's always making up these lies about fucking hot girls, we always knew he was lying but didn't want to hurt his feelings but after a while we got tired of his BS lies so everytime were wasted and he tries to tell another BS story about fucking a hot 10 I just turn to him and say "I don't believe you" :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

Will E Worm

Ok there is a guy I work with, this guy tend to 'exaggerate' about everything he has done or has owned. Everyone jokes about him at work because we all know hes lying

How do you know for a fact he is lying? You need proof.

What do you have on him? :bigear:

I would just drop it. Go to work, do your job, get paid.
Try to find a career.


Did he say what he was auditioning for?

Perhaps it's a job scrubbing jizz off of leather couches. :dunno: