Hey dudes, first post.
I'm looking for some facials, but not any old ones. I'm really after ones where the cum is high in quantity and/or really gooey/stringy. Especially where it just dangles from the girl's chin or tonque or whether she has trouble spitting it out, so hot!
I have one on my hard drive that fits this bill perfectly and I cannot get enough of it, it's left me wanting more.
Also, as much as I respect North's work, could we possibly avoid posting all but the ones that match the above criteria as chances are I've probably seen most of them.
Sorry if this is a repost as well.
EDIT: Also, no vomit vids pls.
I'm looking for some facials, but not any old ones. I'm really after ones where the cum is high in quantity and/or really gooey/stringy. Especially where it just dangles from the girl's chin or tonque or whether she has trouble spitting it out, so hot!
I have one on my hard drive that fits this bill perfectly and I cannot get enough of it, it's left me wanting more.
Also, as much as I respect North's work, could we possibly avoid posting all but the ones that match the above criteria as chances are I've probably seen most of them.
Sorry if this is a repost as well.
EDIT: Also, no vomit vids pls.