That necklace looks like crap. :cool:
B BlueBalls Dead Oct 20, 2009 #1 That necklace looks like crap. Attachments 4915.jpg 56.1 KB · Views: 213
hillhopper Oct 20, 2009 #2 That guy is at a Halloween party and is quite obviously a flaming pile of poo, must have taken off the paper sack for the picture. Quick get the hose, don't try to put it out by stepping on it!
That guy is at a Halloween party and is quite obviously a flaming pile of poo, must have taken off the paper sack for the picture. Quick get the hose, don't try to put it out by stepping on it!
tartanterrier Is somewhere outhere. Oct 20, 2009 #5 I thought he was that crap singer out of the Pet Shop Boys
PlasmaTwa2 The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement Oct 21, 2009 #8 That's German bling for you.
StanScratch My Penis Is Dancing! Oct 21, 2009 #9 (Sung in the tune of Smelly Cat) Button Hat, oh Button Hat, why oh why do you smell so bad? Button Hat, oh Button Hat, why oh why do you dress like that? It's not your fault that you smell like that But why oh why do you have a Button Hat?
(Sung in the tune of Smelly Cat) Button Hat, oh Button Hat, why oh why do you smell so bad? Button Hat, oh Button Hat, why oh why do you dress like that? It's not your fault that you smell like that But why oh why do you have a Button Hat?
F feller469 Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL. Oct 21, 2009 #11 how much do you wanna bet he rides a moped?
Ace Bandage The one and only. Oct 22, 2009 #13 Who wears a necklace with little plastic replicas of Mr. Floaty on it? Everything about this guy screams "Douche!"
Who wears a necklace with little plastic replicas of Mr. Floaty on it? Everything about this guy screams "Douche!"