What are they going to say?
"OMG this guy masturbates????"
"OMG this guy looks at pictures of naked women???"
"OMG this guy has an account on a message board about porn????"
Just wondering how will the t-shirts for men or women be shipped if i order one. It unmarked plain brown box or package ?? Freeones lables all over it ?? Wouldnt want my condo gatehouse wonder what i do all day when the package arrives
They can tell what you do all day just by looking at you.
Now imagine if you wear yours, and the next day your hot neighbour visits you and asks to borrow a cup of tea...
He's going to wonder what you do all day when you come out of your condo wearing a FreeOnes shirt...
Actually Roald and Petra show up with a New Orleans Brass Band and I pop out of a coffin dressed like Baron Semedi and give you your tshirt.
Where is mine?? :shy:
Where is mine?? :shy:
Good question...:dunno:
Busen ordered a XXL so when his busty ladies puts it on it's a proper fitting belly shirt for them! :thumbsup: