Sheesh! Pay for Grades

A middle school in North Carolina is selling test scores to students in a bid to raise money.

The News & Observer of Raleigh reported Wednesday that a parent advisory council at Rosewood Middle School in Goldsboro come up with the fundraising plan after last year's chocolate sale flopped.

The school will sell 20 test points to students for $20.

Students can add 10 extra points to each of two tests of their choice. The extra points could take a student from a "B" to an "A" on those tests or from a failing grade to a passing grade.

I weep for the future seeing what the kids are being taught and knowing one day they will be taking this mentality into the real world with them. And give it enough time, they will get away with this attitude and mentality.


This is the future of America, we are so screwed.
Well, they did decide not to do this, but the fact that it was brought up, considered, and almost seeing the light of day. How absurd can one get?
I thought at first this was gonna be a story about a teacher or testing service taking a bribe or something similar.

Hard to beleive such a thing would even be legal.Guess the poor kids just have to earn their grades.
Outrageous stupid shit.:eek::mad:
That is outrageously absurd, but ever so slightly hilarious at the same time. It seems strange to me that the board even thought that this idea might actually be a viable alternative to fund raising. Maybe their grades need to be checked to see if they didn’t “pay” for them - with such brilliant ideas such as this who could have put it past them. Was there no thought given to the ethical issues that would be raised if these actions were carried out?

I would think there's also an issue of legality here too.
I can imagine if a student couldn't pay when he got their allowance, the teacher and principle puts his hand on the desk, and pulls out a hammer.

"I'm sorry, Timmy, but you didn't pay. And the contract you signed said you had to pay according to your allowance collecting. You will have to lose one finger. You didn't think pay for grades would be a free ride in a fancy car, did you?"

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
So it was a parent group that came up with this work of genius, huh? I think the scary thing is people this fucking stupid have had kids.


So it was a parent group that came up with this work of genius, huh? I think the scary thing is people this fucking stupid have had kids.

I don't know why they would do that. It's just teaching that money controls everything, and with enough money you can just buy what you need or get what you want regardless of most other factors or how bad that hurts the world...oh wait...that is what actually happens in reality.


My Penis Is Dancing!
See kids, George W. Bush was right: It doesn't matter how intelligent you are, it matters how much money mommy and daddy have.
Shameful behavior, even though it has gone on for years with rich parents.
Even more so for me since its an NC school.

And an update from the local news tonight. The principal of that school has dismissed it as a bad idea... NO SHIT! :dunno:
Another update from the local news tonight. The principal of the school who started it has resigned.
I think watching Billy Madison will provide said lesson in this whole fiasco! :hatsoff: