Hey Guys.
Shay Laren's webmaster here!
Been a while sorry about not being around much lately!
Anywho GOOD NEWS! Shay is back in action and ready for SOCIAL MEDIA you guys wanted it you guys get it!
We are going to set up a fresh Twitter account for her but if any of you want to be sure to check out her TUMBLR acct
She will be posting pics to it pretty much daily just from her life, bts etc..
if you guys have any suggestions please let us know!
Be sure to follow her tumblr acct and repost things if you have an account also, show Shay you guys care by showing her the activity!
I see that Shay looks very good in some recent things I have seen. I hope those are recent photos. To be brutally honest some of the things I heard about and some pictures I saw of her made me worry about her to say the least. To see her looking as good as she ever did and even more so healthy make me pretty happy for her.
I also thought there was a time not too far back where it seemed her career was practically over. It's nice to see her back for that reason also. She is probably one of the better adult models of her generations and she has the capability to to do good material for some time to come.