dick van cock
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I shave but I love a big bushy beard.I shave, but I love a big hairy bush. Irony.
No irony. flylicker
I shave but I love a big bushy beard.I shave, but I love a big hairy bush. Irony.
I stopped using shaving cream 18 months ago and my face has never been "cleaner" and "healthier looking." Shaving cream is one of the greatest marketing scams ever. All it does is clog your razor, dull your razor and give your face a rash due to all the alcohol and chemicals that seep into your skin.
Trust me...shave your face with a razor (Gillette Sensor or Mach 3) minus shaving cream and your razor will last 3 times as long, you'll never get any cuts or razor burn again...
Just shave after you shower so your pores have a chance to open up. Clean all the gunk that accumulates on your blade with your finger, carefully, and you'll be amazed at the results and the clean feeling...
How can one avoid razor burn?...its terrible for me for about a day.