I love watchign my girlfriend get fucked, gangbanged, especially by lots of black guys which are her favourites... I prefer it unprotected with cum in all her holes but it's too dangerous dammit. When she's finished I have to lick her clean all over and then fuck her again, when everyone is gone... she's done guys for money, too... she'll bring me a few hundred dollars home and say guys picked her up walking down Ventura or something... it's great! She's SUCH a slut, it's just TOO hot. She can fuck any guy she wants and make me do anything she wants, in return I get to fuck any girl I want, and take advantage of that frequently. We've been together seven years. I'm getting tired of licking her freshly fucked pussy and just tasting condoms though, I wanna taste her cum mixed with a bunch of guys' cum... hey am I grossing everyone out? Yay! Ha!
I tried to get my brother to fuck her with me but all they did was make out cause he's a timid virgin and wants to wait for love or something.
I haven't filmed her fucking anyone yet - but here's what she's done a few times, which you could totally do.
Go to a bar full of men in a part of town you don't know or in a city you don't live in. Have her dressed as slutty and whore-like as possible. Enter separately. Have her stand on the pool table or bar and announce that she wants to get gangbanged, but wants to choose the guys she fucks. Anyone interested has to line up.
Then have your wife pick out her favourite guys (or the ugliest nastiest guys depending on how much of a slut whore she is, or what mood she's in), and you. The other guys will never know she even knows you. You'll fuck her in all her holes as if she's a stranger, and she can even ask you to hold the camera if the other guys don't mind being filmed.
The other way to do it is for her just to walk into the men's bathroom, sit on the counter, and masturbate. About 1 in every 3 guys that come in will proposition her, all she has to do is say yes, and there'll be 5 guys all over her, including you, in no time.
Don't try these at home. They have only ever worked in NY state and California.
Love Fox :lovecoupl