Shaq Calls It Quits

Thinking about it in a different fashion....overall, one could make a serious argument that Olajuwon was the best ever. Shooting, rebounding, shot-blocking, free-throws, defense....he could do it all like no other. He had the best footwork of any center ever and still holds the blocked-shots record to this day. If he would have played on a better team (Lakers, Celtics, Bulls), he may have won 5 or 6 titles.

I think there is a flaw with that way of thinking though. In reality while it's nice if somebody has all of those features and is good at all those stats each stat isn't equally important too each other in what makes a team win. Some of them are much more important than others.

(Often that same issue comes up in baseball when trying to compare people.)
ive seen a shoe of his in real life.. effing huge!!!!

ill never forget his run with miami when he won the ring with wade and gary payton, his horrendous free throw shooting and the overall "shaq attack" was something to remember lolz
To this day I wonder what would've happened had the Wolves would've secured him instead of the Magic.

He would've made them an above average team, fuck up their lottery chances (and thus no Garnett), get in a spat with J.R. Rider, bolt town, win a bunch of championships with the Lakers.
He would've made them an above average team, fuck up their lottery chances (and thus no Garnett), get in a spat with J.R. Rider, bolt town, win a bunch of championships with the Lakers.

Fuck Garnett. We would've eventually moved Shaq for a truckload of players and to this day still be above average, probably having went very deep in the playoffs (they have done this once before). :2 cents:

And JR Rider was another great player who squandered a lot of tallent because of his poor/thug attitude. :2 cents:

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Overrated (clap clap, clap clap clap) Overrated (clap clap, clap clap clap) Overrated (clap clap, clap clap clap)