Sexy feet with a toe ring

I'm a foot fetishist of about 25 years but it's only recently that I came to love toe rings and realize that they can enhance the appearance of feet.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Is this a gay test? It seems to me that if you're noticing toe rings in a porno, you're not focusing on the proper subject matter. :2 cents:

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?

Cute Summer

Do you by any chance have a definite ID for this girl or just a random you found online? as much as I hate to say it, unless you can ID the girls & be able to find more of there beauty, its almost better to just leave & ignore girls you have NO IDea who they are. just my opinion. I'd rather have a bunch of great pix & girls to discover then findout we get one look @ them & we'll prolly never see them again. :dunno: :hatsoff: