Sexy Anorexic

Well, this isn't the oldest thread ever dug up....why don't we see how old we can let this get before someone digs it up again...?
foxycougar said:
Well, this isn't the oldest thread ever dug up....why don't we see how old we can let this get before someone digs it up again...?
That's the best idea I've heard in a long time. :wave2:
This board is going to the dogs...

People digging up old threads, then having flame-outs over them.
Not to mention the numerous 'I have this problem, but I'd rather get advice from a porn board than be sensible and just see my doctor' threads.
and then there's the likes of Hotrod...but don't get me started on him again :mad:
tunsty said:
Not to mention the numerous 'I have this problem, but I'd rather get advice from a porn board than be sensible and just see my doctor' threads.

Coming to a bunch of complete strangers rather than get professional help makes perfect sense to me. Just think about the money you can save, and if you are already insane there is nowhere left to go but up. :tongue:


It's good to be the king...
Actually in this case, I think this thread deserves a second look, considering the subject matter...I've honestly never heard of "sexy anorexics" until now (thank God!)

And while I understand tunsty getting riled about the increasing "agony aunt" aspect, I think we'll have to accept that for some people, asking a porn forum anonymously for advice about one's personal issues is preferable to a potentially embarrassing visit to their doctor.

[edit] oops - D-rock had the same thought as me on this topic...(sorry)