Sex with prostitute after marriage


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Give your opinions on husbands (with or without children) who visit brothels, night clubs, bars or others to have sex with prostitute without their wife's knowledge. Are you one of them? Please tell the truth because no one except you will read your post because you are not revealing your real identity.


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
nope, didn't do it when I was married. Didn't cheat either, but there were plenty of chances. There are a ton of women out there who want a married guy so that the relationship is minimized and discreet.
Before I separated with my wife, I would occasionally go to a strip club. I had many opportunities to sleep with some of the entertainers but never did. I have never had sex with a prostitute or escort. But in hindsight I wish I had taken some of the girls in the nudie bars up on their offers.
Just make sure you strap up.

Nothing worse than giving your wife the clap along with and on top of the venereal warts you gave her a few months before.....

She might get suspicious.

Husbands shouldn't sleep around on their wives. If they need so much variety, they should just stay single and play the field. When you get married, you make a vow to be faithful to your wife.
Give your opinions on husbands (with or without children) who visit brothels, night clubs, bars or others to have sex with prostitute without their wife's knowledge. Are you one of them? Please tell the truth because no one except you will read your post because you are not revealing your real identity.

I'm not married, and if I want to have multiple women or frequent prostitutes and escorts, I would never get married.

I personally know people in committed relationship that engage in extra-marital affairs, and to me, it's none of my fucking business what they do. On the other hand, there are married couples who are swingers and actively enjoy that type of lifestyle. Who am I judge what grown consenting adults do?


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Why bother getting married?
Seems kinda pointless to risk everything with a hooker.
nothing wrong with married men going to strip clubs but having sex with anyone except your wife is not right in my opinion.
I'm not married, and if I want to have multiple women or frequent prostitutes and escorts, I would never get married.

That's a good point. Whenever I've been in a serious relationship the thought of sleeping with another woman has always seemed absurd. I think that if you really care for the woman that you're with you stop thinking of sex with other women. It's like an internal sense of commitment.
I'm not married (Thank God!) but getting married in the first place is unnecessary and a huge mistake in cases that end up in adultery, divorce, etc


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Is it wrong for someone to have sex with hooters or prostitutes after he get married for certain conditions like he could not have sex with his wife for some reasons like his wife is in prison or hospital, wife is so busy and tired everyday after a long working day or his wife s abroad in other country?


What? You can "sleep" around before but not after?

Come on now. :1orglaugh

Golden rule protect your tool!

Oh yea and Sash your a strange guy but interesting thread:D
I agree with other guys, Play the field when your single get it outta your system and only marry when your ready.

In the case of swingers I dont criticise as its pretty much out in the open and agreed upon by both parties. Honesty man, Its when people sneak about that you would feel your trust is abused and have been made a mug of. Though having said that wouldnt be my thing.
Give your opinions on husbands (with or without children) who visit brothels, night clubs, bars or others to have sex with prostitute without their wife's knowledge. Are you one of them? Please tell the truth because no one except you will read your post because you are not revealing your real identity.
Why don't you give your opinion?
I hate people who start such threads but never give their views on the chosen subject. Well, maybe hate is too harsh a word. . .maybe. :dunno: