Sex with a virgin

Been with a few girls who say they Virgins. If they were, they knew exactly what they wanted and knew what they were doing exceptionally well if you know what I mean!:D

My mate used to pretend he was a Virgin to get girls in to bed and encourage them to let him go without a condom. Risky business! Probably why he's had the old umberella down the pee hole more than anyone I know:eek:


I had a lot of girls in these years, but I never had sex with a virgin. I'm not that kind of men that would do it only to be satisfied to take for first the virginity of a girl, but I'd love to do it because I have a kind of fetish for tight pussies, and also because I want to make something special both for me and for the girl.

I sincerely hope that your tight pussies fetish ends when your youth does. Otherwise your life may get very - complicated.
