Sex Fest

The only way this is REALLY going to get answered is if a famous porn star (a oscm on here) comes on and answers this so keep your fingers crossed old guy
Just because they are porn stars, doesn't mean they get together and fuck just for fun and not get paid for it.
Not saying it never happens, but I seriously doubt that if it did occur, any average, regular old citizen of any country would be invited to view/participate in such an event.

I think, from what I have read and heard mind you, not first hand knowledgde, most porn stars view their job as just that: work. In fact, I really wish I could remember where I read this yesterday so I could post a link, but many porn stars work/have worked with others that they don't really even like all that much.

It's all about the money Old Guy. The closest you'll get to seeing something like this is going to be in a movie.
I certainly appreciate all of these replies and I understand that porn activity is work just like our jobs are.

But I find it hard to believe that porn stars do not get together from time to time away from the cameras and get to have sex with desirable people that they ordinarily could not connect with.

For sure I lust for many other girls in my life and from time to time have had the opportunity to connect with them and it is purely pleasure with no commitments but, damn, I've had some wondeful experiences sexually because of it.

Someone mentioned the live sex shows from Europe with audience participation from time to time, I'd like to watch some videos of that for sure. Does anyone know of any specific titles and/or stars of this genre? If so, which companies market them?
Okay, everybody out there who might be interested in this subject give me some help. Should I have worded this differently or what? I simply cannot imagine that no one would be up to watching a bunch of porn stars, mostly ladies, getting each other off without a camera being present. I'm talking certain ladies that have lusted after other ladies who are under contract to a different company and therefore not able to connect with someone they really want to get off and be gotten off in return by.

Am I the only guy out there who thinks this could be extremely hot?



knows petras secret: she farted.
yeah dude, girls are hot. pornstars are hot. but like i said, swingers clubs are great. also, you can see many pornstars dance at various locales. also, porn is the whole point of this. they do this for us to watch.

otherwise i dont know much to tell you, some small time sites can get you in to bukkakes and stuff like that but thats pretty much it. craiglist properly and you could get somewhere too, but not with "known" girls.