Sex & Cum?

I have instances where I haven't finished before. Only rarely and usually due to the reasons everyone has stated. I wouldn't get to caught up on it. She had an orgasm and he is happy. Bang, that's all that should matter.


knows petras secret: she farted.
see? its easy. and yeah, if he does any sort of uppers as a drug, the winkie hates that.

Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member
Do all women talk to each other about the shorcomings (or otherwise) of their lovers? Does your friend`s lover know that you know? I don`t know what I`d think if I knew that my oh`s friends knew about what we did in bed, etc.

I have a few (as in 3) friends that are comfortable talking about their sex lives.. I tell only my best friend serious details (if I'm really needing advice or something) but usually I just come to freeones for that :D
But the answer to your question in short is yes.. Most girls talk to each other about sex, at least a little bit.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Was he practicing tantric sex or something? Never tried it myself but I've heard you can orgasm without ejaculating and go for long stretches of time.

Perhaps he did this on accident?

Or perhaps he was focusing on the performance and never got around to getting mentally into finishing himself off?
My friend & I were talking tonight and she had mentioned that her boyfriend didn't cum when they had sex.. She said they had gone at it for hours and she'd had numerous orgasms but after like 2 hours they just kinda stopped when she got sore and he never finished.. She was worried that it was something wrong with her (I reassured her it wasn't of course) but quite frankly I was only saying that to make her feel better.. I'm really not sure about the subject at all, every time I've had sex the guy has finished.. (usually all over me or in my mouth & a guy can't really fake it can he?) so I figured I'd ask my trusty freeones guys, is it normal for a guy to go hours and not finish and if so what causes it? :)

i didn't bother to read all the posts so i'm sorry if the conversation drifted too much...anyway, a guy can fake it in the right situation...a condom is required and it helps if its dark-ish and that's how my first time went, i dunno, it felt good and all but the rush of hormones and new feelings and psyching myself up before hand to NOT cum too quick really made it kinda a blur so i wasn't able to cum at all, so instead of telling her and hurting her feelings i figured it'd be best to pretend and clean up real quick so she wouldn't notice...since then i've never had trouble and i usually have pretty good control over when i cum, the only time i ever have a little trouble is when i'm wearing a thick and/or too tight condom which could be his issue as well...also, was it the first time they had sex with each other?

Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member
i didn't bother to read all the posts so i'm sorry if the conversation drifted too much...anyway, a guy can fake it in the right situation...a condom is required and it helps if its dark-ish and that's how my first time went, i dunno, it felt good and all but the rush of hormones and new feelings and psyching myself up before hand to NOT cum too quick really made it kinda a blur so i wasn't able to cum at all, so instead of telling her and hurting her feelings i figured it'd be best to pretend and clean up real quick so she wouldn't notice...since then i've never had trouble and i usually have pretty good control over when i cum, the only time i ever have a little trouble is when i'm wearing a thick and/or too tight condom which could be his issue as well...also, was it the first time they had sex with each other?

Hmmph.. I didn't realize it'd be so easy for a guy to fake it.. "/

And no they've been together about 6 months or so.. She said he wasn't drinking and he wasn't wearing a condom so I'm guessing he had to have jacked off before hand..


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Oh - I forgot one -

8. Her homosexual brother camera keeps bumping his balls with a camera, 1200 watts of studio lights are scorching his skin, and he fucked her girlfriend just hours before. Happened to me yesterday so I guess it's a possibility too.

I finally came - all over the camera and the faggot holding it - but not without a lot of extra effort......


Approved Content Owner
Seriously this time - I've had a night where I couldn't cum - like the time I was dating Indica Young - I had spent most of the afternoon, say like from 3pm to 8pm, jerking off to the newest Maxi Booty flicks, then Indica would fuck me for two hours before going to work at the strip club, then Thena Sky came by to "smoke me out" and well, I had to fuck her cuz no one gets weed for free. After Thena Sky left, I had to masturbate again - because there is nothing finer in this world than to masturbate when you're floating 3 feet over your desk - a side effect of the "prescription" medication I was smoking. Then Indica came home - they don't call her Indica for nothing :D - I'm more of a Sativa guy but that girl likes the mellow shit so she rolls two blunts, and we're off to the hot tub for a little "relaxation". Of course, being 50, I had to pop a Viagra to keep up with her but the combined effect of the weed, Viagra and the hot tub had my blood pressure at, fuck I don't know, fuckin LOW, so getting a boner was only the results of Indica's awesome cock-sucking skills. My fuckin head was spinning but I managed to get it hard - but try as I might, I wasn't up to cumming again - I guess that happens when you get old..... :dunno:

So, if the dude was 50 or over, had jerked off for half the day to nasty videos of the neighbor girl, then fucked you for two hours before you went to work, then got stoned and fucked your best friend while you were at work, then masturbated again, then popped a Viagra, jumped in the hot tub and shared two fatties with you before getting an awesome balls-deep blowjob - but couldn't finish, then maybe I understand.....

Otherwise he's a puss! :2 cents:
Hmmph.. I didn't realize it'd be so easy for a guy to fake it.. "/

And no they've been together about 6 months or so.. She said he wasn't drinking and he wasn't wearing a condom so I'm guessing he had to have jacked off before hand..

well...if a girl pays attention and knows a bit it'd be pretty obvious i'm sure, i was 16 and she wasn't a virgin but she wasn't exactly experienced ya know and yeah it sounds like that's probably what happened, or he was tired and/or stressed about something that had his mind long as it's not a regular thing i'd say she shouldn't worry about it, it happens sometimes, same as cumming too quick...not that that ever happens or anything..............:(:tongue:
Certain medications can have sexual side effects. I was put on Paxil a few years ago and after about two days on it, I could not cum for a long time. Sometimes it would take an hour and half before I could finish. Needless to say, the next time I went to the doctor I had him take me off that shit.
It's happened to me before for exactly all the reasons already stated. Whiskey dick and an overworked dick are self explanatory, but what might be less obvious is stress. I've experienced not being able to perform because my mind is focused on other matters.

Sex is both a physical and a mental activity. If half of the equation is missing, the end result is gonna be something less than desirable. Maybe the guy had a long, stressful day. My ex once got all pissed at me because she wanted to have sex after my 5th straight 15-hour day of rigging, which is VERY tiring, and I simply couldn't finish (not only that, but I actually passed out while we were having sex :1orglaugh). Once, I was with a girl that was a bit too rough with my boys, and I ended up losing it altogether. Not only that, but my left nut hurt for almost a week afterward. :(

Another reason why I haven't been able to cum is because I'm using a condom. Wearing a condom for sex is about the same as wearing leather gloves to do surgery.

In your friend's case, I would guess that he didn't cum because he had other stuff on his mind at the time.