Sex & Cum?

Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member
My friend & I were talking tonight and she had mentioned that her boyfriend didn't cum when they had sex.. She said they had gone at it for hours and she'd had numerous orgasms but after like 2 hours they just kinda stopped when she got sore and he never finished.. She was worried that it was something wrong with her (I reassured her it wasn't of course) but quite frankly I was only saying that to make her feel better.. I'm really not sure about the subject at all, every time I've had sex the guy has finished.. (usually all over me or in my mouth & a guy can't really fake it can he?) so I figured I'd ask my trusty freeones guys, is it normal for a guy to go hours and not finish and if so what causes it? :)


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Maybe he was all out of juice?


knows petras secret: she farted.
yeah, i try not to let anything go when i think my girl and i are gonna do it. otherwise it can be hard for me to get there. if i let more than 1 go that day, im almost screwed.

also, if i drink at all, im almost useless.

also, im not sure about other guys but im very mental when it comes to sex. unnatural things like lube, condoms, etc really turn me off. if i got things on my mind, or think of the wrong things, its just no fun.


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If I know hours beforehand that I'm going to have sex then I sometimes wank just so I'll last longer because I'm thoughtful like that. It takes forever to shoot my load and I don't get as much pleasure out of it but there are times when you gotta make the lady happy. If he still maintained his wood then I'm sure he was just outta juice as L3ggy said.

....Or she could be ugly.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Or, or................OR she might have a gigantic vagina. Or vice versa, he might have a tiny schmeckle. Either way it would be like throwing a hotdog down a hallway. No traction and thus, no friction. Tell her to do some Kegels.

Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member
yeah, i try not to let anything go when i think my girl and i are gonna do it. otherwise it can be hard for me to get there. if i let more than 1 go that day, im almost screwed.

also, if i drink at all, im almost useless.

also, im not sure about other guys but im very mental when it comes to sex. unnatural things like lube, condoms, etc really turn me off. if i got things on my mind, or think of the wrong things, its just no fun.

Hmm I didn't even think about that.. I guess it just struck me as weird since I've never run into that problem :dunno:

She might be ugly.

:dunno: everyone has their own tastes I guess but if I had to generalize her she's a Donna from that 70s show kinda hot.. Except not as tall..


Approved Content Owner
A few things come to mind:
1. He wanked right before the had sex so that he would last longer = FAIL
2. He needs to drink less = FAIL
3. He needs to cut back on the nose-candy = FAIL
4. He was distracted and just couldn't get the image of his grandmother out of his mind = EPIC FAIL
5. He is gay = I can't say FAIL here because for every gay man, there is one more woman available for me :)
6. He's not as into your friend as he led her to believe = FAIL
7. A cruel doctor removed 80% of the nerves in the tip of his penis when he was a child = Cultural FAIL


Approved Content Owner
Oh - I forgot one -

8. Her homosexual brother camera keeps bumping his balls with a camera, 1200 watts of studio lights are scorching his skin, and he fucked her girlfriend just hours before. Happened to me yesterday so I guess it's a possibility too.

I finally came - all over the camera and the faggot holding it - but not without a lot of extra effort......
Maybe, just being in the company of someone he had pleasured and basking in the metaphysical radiance and existential joy the comes with such an endeavour was enough to see him through until they met again under similar circumstances...

.... no, but seriously. The guy's a freak. I would advise you to stay away from him Nikki and your friend to.
I have that when im (to) drunk, fucking for over an hour and just decide to just quit and go to sleep lol
Maybe he has come to master the art of tantric sex.
Apart from that, I'd go with the fact that he wanked before they got it going.


Closed Account
Do all women talk to each other about the shorcomings (or otherwise) of their lovers? Does your friend`s lover know that you know? I don`t know what I`d think if I knew that my oh`s friends knew about what we did in bed, etc.
he either drinks too much or perhaps he hasn't exerced the way of cumming hard. :dunno:
It could be reality playing an ironic twist for a joke on the guy in retaliation for all the times out there that guys get off while the woman gets nothing. ;)
i know if i wank then go, i don't... "release" as much, so maybe she just didn't notice. bet she will in 3 months when the bump shows up :D